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„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Mihokjol 2025-01-01 16:08:37.

Statue Of The Dwarf King
Statue Of The Dwarf King.png
Minden nap két bányászással kapcsolatos képesség közül választhatsz.
Forrás Crafting
Eladási ár Nem lehet eladni
Receptforrás(ok) Mining Skill Icon.png Mining Mastery
Hozzávalók Iridium Bar.png Irídium rúd (20)

The Statue Of The Dwarf King grants unique powers to the player each day. It can be crafted after claiming Mining Mastery.


Every day, the Statue will offer two of its five available powers, listed below, for the player to choose from. The player can only choose one. All powers last for the duration of the in-game day.

Although the options the player can choose from are random, they are pre-determined at the start of the day. Therefore there is no benefit to crafting multiple statues or restarting the day as the player will just receive the same options to choose from.

Image Powers
Dwarf Statue Ore.png
+1 ore when mining nodes.
Dwarf Statue Geodes.png
Greater chance to find geodes.
Dwarf Statue Coal.png
Greater chance to find coal.
Dwarf Statue Ladders.png
Greater chance to find ladders and shafts.
Dwarf Statue Bombs.png
Bombs cannot damage you.

+1 ore when mining nodes

When this power is active, certain ore nodes destroyed inside or outside the mines will drop one extra ore.[1] Affected nodes are:

Node Drop
Stone Index670.pngStone Index668.pngStone Index845.pngStone Index846.pngStone Index847.png Stone.png Coal.png Szén
Coal Node Quarry 01.pngCoal Node Quarry 02.pngCoal Node Volcano 01.pngCoal Node Volcano 02.png Coal.png Szén
Copper Node.pngCopper Node Volcano.png Copper Ore.png Réz érc
Iron Node.pngIron Node Volcano.png Iron Ore.png Vas érc
Gold Node.pngGold Node Volcano.png Gold Ore.png Arany érc
Iridium Node.png Iridium Ore.png Irídium érc
Cinder Shard Node 1.pngCinder Shard Node 2.png Cinder Shard.png Parázs töredék
Radioactive Node.png Radioactive Ore.png Radioaktív érc
Bone Node 1.pngBone Node 2.png Bone Fragment.png Csont töredék
Clay Node.png Clay.png Agyag

Greater chance to find geodes

When this power is active, geodes found inside and outside of the mines have a (multiplicative) 25% higher chance of spawning when a rock is broken, either by hand or with bombs.[2]

Greater chance to find coal

When this power is active rocks broken in the mines have a (multiplicative) 40% higher chance to drop coal, or 20% if the player has the Prospector profession.[3] Outside, rocks not in the quarry are 3% more likely to drop coal. Rocks anywhere outside have a 2.5% chance to drop an additional coal. This will be on top of the higher chance to find coal that the player could have from the Prospector profession.[4]

Greater chance to find ladders and shafts

When this power is active, ladders and shafts will have a (multiplicative) 25% higher chance of dropping from rocks in The Mines or Skull Cavern. They will also have a 22% chance of dropping from monsters in these locations, increased from the usual 15%.[5]

Bombs cannot damage you

When this power is active, the player is immune to all damage from Cherry Bombs, Bombs, Mega Bombs[6], and Explosive Ammo inside and outside of the mines. The player is also immune to explosive damage from Hot Heads in the Volcano Dungeon.


  1. See GameLocation::breakStone in the game code.
  2. See GameLocation::onStoneDestroyed and MineShaft::checkStoneForItems in the game code.
  3. See MineShaft::checkStoneForItems in the game code.
  4. See GameLocation::OnStoneDestroyed and GameLocation::BreakStone in the game code.
  5. See MineShaft::checkStoneForItems and MineShaft::monsterDrop in the game code.
  6. See GameLocation::performDamagePlayers in the game code.


  • 1.6: Bevezetve.