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„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Mihokjol 2024-12-29 19:36:04.

Bait Maker.png
Helyezz bele egy halat, hogy ahhoz illő csalit készíts.
Forrás Barkácsolás
Eladási ár Nem lehet eladni
Receptforrás(ok) Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing (Level 6)
Hozzávalók Iron Bar.png Vas rúd (3)Coral.png Korall (3)Sea Urchin.png Tengeri sün (1)
Készít Pink Bait.png Targeted Bait (5-10)

The Bait Maker is a piece of Refining Equipment that is used to create Targeted Bait from any fish. It takes Time Icon.png 10m to process fish into bait. It can be crafted after reaching Fishing Level 6.

To use, insert any fish into the machine. It will then produce from 5 to 10 "[fish name] Bait," which will increase the chance of catching that fish when attached. Any fish can be used, including Legendary Fish and Crab Pot Fish. However, catchable items such as Seaweed, Algae, and Jelly cannot be put into the Bait Maker.

Note that using Targeted Bait made from a Legendary Fish does not allow a player to catch another one.


  • 1.6: Bevezetve.