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Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Mihokjol 2025-01-01 15:47:36.

Feliratos tábla
Text Sign.png
Erre a táblára egyedi üzenetet írhatsz.
Forrás Crafting
Eladási ár Nem lehet eladni
Receptforrás(ok) Starter
Hozzávalók Wood.png Fa (25)

The Text Sign is a craftable item that allows the player to enter a custom message. The message is displayed as a speech bubble when the player walks near the sign or hovers the mouse cursor over the sign, and it can be changed after the sign is placed by interacting with it.

The message may be up to 60 characters in length.

If the Bus at the Bus Stop is repaired, Pam will leave a Text Sign at the Bus Stop on days where she won't be driving the bus, with a message telling the player that they'll have to drive the bus themselves. She'll automatically get rid of the sign the following day, although the player can take it for themselves first.


  • 1.6: Bevezetve.