Luxus hidrogél

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— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Margotbean 2024-09-16 10:12:30.

Luxus hidrogél
Deluxe Retaining Soil.png
Ez a talaj az este után 100%-os eséllyel öntözve marad. Keverd megművelt földbe.
Forrás Crafting
Eladási ár data-sort-value="30">Gold.png30g
Forrása Island Trader Icon.png Island Trader for Cinder Shard.png Parázs töredék (50)
Hozzávalók Stone.png  (5)Fiber.png Rost (3)Clay.png Agyag (1)

Deluxe Retaining Soil is a Fertilizer that keeps soil watered. It can be crafted after purchasing the recipe from the Island Trader for 50 Cinder Shards. 5-7 Deluxe Retaining Soil may occasionally be found in Supply Crates on the Beach Farm provided the player has upgraded the Farmhouse at least two times.

Deluxe Retaining Soil can be placed on tilled soil before or after planting a seed, or at any stage of crop growth. If the soil is not already watered, the fertilizer has no water to retain and plants will not grow until watered once. The chance for retaining water is 100%, which means after watering once the soil will be guaranteed to be watered up until the crop is ready to be harvested. This makes it especially useful in situations where Sprinklers are unavailable, such as in Garden Pots or in most areas on the Beach Farm.

If a crop that yields multiple produce from one planting is fertilized with Deluxe Retaining Soil, water retention continues through all repeating harvests. In the Greenhouse, on the Ginger Island Farm, or in Garden Pots in buildings, where seasonal changes do not affect a planting's lifetime, the fertilizer remains until the tile is un-tilled.


Falusiak reakciója

Nem kedvelt Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLeo Icon.png LeoLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneDwarf Icon.png TörpeWizard Icon.png VarázslóVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png Willy


Deluxe Retaining Soil is not used in any bundles.


Deluxe Retaining Soil can be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Shirt174.png High-Waisted Shirt. It is not used in dyeing.


A luxus hidrogél egyetlen küldetésben sincs használva.


  • 1.5: Introduced.