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I translated the first paragraph of "Horse" to Hungarian. It's not auto translate like google translate, I used my knowlege of the language as it is my first language.
41. sor: 41. sor:  
The horse is an in-game mount that provides a +30% movement speed increase. It is obtained by purchasing the [[Stable]] from the [[Carpenter's Shop]].  Like Pets, the horse will be named upon obtaining it, but the prompt is only given when trying to ride the horse for the first time.  
A ló egy olyan játékbeli állat amely 30%-kal növeli a mozgási sebességet. Akkor lehet rá szert tenni ha megveszed az [[Istálló]]t a [[Ács Műhelyből]].  Mint a kisállatoknál a lovat is elnevezheted amikor megkapod, de ez a megnevezés csak akkor jelenik meg, mikor először próbálod meglovagolni.
If you leave your horse somewhere, it will wait for you, and upon your return display the message "&lt;Horse name&gt; is wondering where you've been." or "Your loyal horse waits patiently for your return."  If you go to bed after leaving your horse outside [[The Farm]], your horse will automatically find its way home and be in the stable the next morning.
If you leave your horse somewhere, it will wait for you, and upon your return display the message "&lt;Horse name&gt; is wondering where you've been." or "Your loyal horse waits patiently for your return."  If you go to bed after leaving your horse outside [[The Farm]], your horse will automatically find its way home and be in the stable the next morning.


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