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„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Dorka02 2024-12-22 13:02:07.

Monster Compendium.png
A szörnyek kis eséllyel kétszer annyi zsákmányt dobnak ki.
Forrás MonstersBookseller
Eladási ár data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2 000g

The Monster Compendium is a power book that can be dropped by monsters. The chance for a monster to drop the book starts at 0.01% and increases by 0.015% for each monster killed until it is dropped. Then the chance stays at 0.05% permanently. It cannot drop until the player has killed more than 10 monsters.[1]

It can also be purchased from the Bookseller for data-sort-value="20000">Gold.png20 000g starting in Year 3 (≈9% chance to appear).[2]

The first reading grants the player a power that gives all monsters a 3% chance to drop double loot. This effect stacks with that of the Burglar's Ring.[1] Once read, it can be found in the Player's Menu on the Special Items & Powers tab. Each subsequent reading gives the player 100 Combat XP.


Falusiak reakciója

Szeretett Abigail Icon.png AbigailKrobus Icon.png KrobusPenny Icon.png Penny
Kedvelt Elliott Icon.png ElliottSebastian Icon.png Sebastian
Normál Caroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentLeah Icon.png LeahLeo Icon.png LeoLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandyShane Icon.png ShaneDwarf Icon.png TörpeWizard Icon.png VarázslóVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png Willy
Nem kedvelt Alex Icon.png Alex


Monster Compendium is not used in any bundles.


Monster Compendium is not used in any tailoring. It can be used as a black dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed.


Monster Compendium is not used in any quests.


Two Monster Compendiums can be traded to the Bookseller for either 1 Slime Egg-Press or 1 Slime Incubator, provided the player has already obtained the power from this book.


  • It is possible to obtain two Prismatic Jelly using this book's power, although this has no effect on the Wizard's Special Order.


  1. 1,0 1,1 See GameLocation::monsterDrop in the game code.
  2. See Data\Shops.xnb in the game files.


  • 1.6: Introduced.
  • 1.6.4: Fixed Monster Compendium not actually doubling all loot.