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„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Tövises gyűrű
Thorns Ring.png
Ha az ellenfelek megsebeznek téged, akkor ők maguk is sérülni fognak.
Forrás: Crafting with Combat Skill Icon.png Combat Level 7

Hozzávalók: Bone Fragment.png Csont töredék (50)Stone.png  (50)Gold Bar.png Arany rúd (1)
Kalandorok Céhe

Vásárlási ár: Not Sold
Eladási ár: data-sort-value="100 ">Gold.png100g

The Thorns Ring is a ring that can be crafted after earning the recipe at Combat Skill Icon.png Combat Level 7. The ingredients are 50 Bone Fragments, 50 Stone, and 1 Gold Bar.

While wearing the Thorns Ring, being hit results in the offending monster taking damage equal to the unmitigated damage of their attack minus the defense of the monster. The damage is doubled if the player has two Thorns Rings equipped.[1] If the player kills a monster using the Thorns Ring, the monster will still drop loot like normal.


Thorns Ring can be used in dyeing, serving as a yellow dye at the dye pots, located in Emily's and Haley's house, 2 Willow Lane.


  • If the damage done to the farmer is less than 10, the damage done to the monster is instead the average between the damage done to the farmer and the unmitigated damage.



  1. See Farmer::takeDamage in the game code.


  • 1.5: Introduced.
  • 1.6.9: Thorns Ring effect now stacks when using more than one, and provides normal drops.