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Szövegcsere – „<br>” → „<br />”
38. sor: 38. sor:  
*"Let's settle this the old-fashioned way."
*"Let's settle this the old-fashioned way."
'''If you pick "Let's be reasonable."'''<br>Morris then boasts that he will put on a huge sale to get his customers back and laughs off the event. Pierre then tells him he's wrong and asks everyone to gather around. He begins to talk about when he first moved to the [[Pelican Town]], reminiscing about how the town had a real sense of being a family and a community, talking to different people about how they enjoyed and connected with each other in the Center and that Joja Mart took that away from them. Now that the Center is finished, Pierre asks everyone to boycott [[JojaMart]] in order to take advantage of their second chance that [[The Player|the player]] has given them. [[Morris]] jumps in shock and everyone takes a second to soak it in.
'''If you pick "Let's be reasonable."'''<br />Morris then boasts that he will put on a huge sale to get his customers back and laughs off the event. Pierre then tells him he's wrong and asks everyone to gather around. He begins to talk about when he first moved to the [[Pelican Town]], reminiscing about how the town had a real sense of being a family and a community, talking to different people about how they enjoyed and connected with each other in the Center and that Joja Mart took that away from them. Now that the Center is finished, Pierre asks everyone to boycott [[JojaMart]] in order to take advantage of their second chance that [[The Player|the player]] has given them. [[Morris]] jumps in shock and everyone takes a second to soak it in.
Everyone will agree with Pierre to boycott Joja. Morris then exclaims that his business is ruined and will rush out of the Center. The screen will go dark and [[JojaMart]] will go out of business and leave town.
Everyone will agree with Pierre to boycott Joja. Morris then exclaims that his business is ruined and will rush out of the Center. The screen will go dark and [[JojaMart]] will go out of business and leave town.
'''If you pick "Let's settle this the old-fashioned way."'''<br>Morris will boast about a huge sale he will put on to get his customers back and laugh in Pierre's face. Pierre will then say that he will not get his way this time and proposes that they settle this once and for all. Morris asks how they would do so and Pierre will then start to threaten to fight Morris. Morris will scoff at Pierre and begin to walk off. Pierre will then try to goad on Morris with a threat of all Joja Mart employees being cowards. Morris will become infuriated at the slander of his employer, Joja. He will walk back to Pierre and begin fighting with him. [[Caroline]] will scream Pierre's name as [[George]] laughs and enjoys the show as Lewis and Robin jump in surprise from the fight. Morris and Pierre will start to insult each other as they continue to fight. Pierre will then punch Morris so hard that he flies out of the community center's ceiling! Pierre is so proud of his winning punch he smiles and poses with sunglasses.
'''If you pick "Let's settle this the old-fashioned way."'''<br />Morris will boast about a huge sale he will put on to get his customers back and laugh in Pierre's face. Pierre will then say that he will not get his way this time and proposes that they settle this once and for all. Morris asks how they would do so and Pierre will then start to threaten to fight Morris. Morris will scoff at Pierre and begin to walk off. Pierre will then try to goad on Morris with a threat of all Joja Mart employees being cowards. Morris will become infuriated at the slander of his employer, Joja. He will walk back to Pierre and begin fighting with him. [[Caroline]] will scream Pierre's name as [[George]] laughs and enjoys the show as Lewis and Robin jump in surprise from the fight. Morris and Pierre will start to insult each other as they continue to fight. Pierre will then punch Morris so hard that he flies out of the community center's ceiling! Pierre is so proud of his winning punch he smiles and poses with sunglasses.
Whichever option you take, [[JojaMart]] will become abandoned and decrepit. [[Pierre's General Store]] will no longer be closed on Wednesdays and will be open every day of the week. The [[Blacksmith]] shop will no longer be open on Fridays.
Whichever option you take, [[JojaMart]] will become abandoned and decrepit. [[Pierre's General Store]] will no longer be closed on Wednesdays and will be open every day of the week. The [[Blacksmith]] shop will no longer be open on Fridays.
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