
Új oldal, tartalma: „{{Infobox |eng = Rozsdás kulcs |source = Gunther<br />(60 Museum donations) |sellprice = N/A }} The '''Rusty Key''' is used to enter The Sewers. I…”
|eng = Rozsdás kulcs
|source = [[Gunther]]<br />(60 [[Museum]] donations)
|sellprice = N/A
The '''Rusty Key''' is used to enter [[The Sewers]]. It is obtained from [[Gunther]] in a cutscene the morning after 60 items have been donated to the [[Múzeum]]. During the cutscene, Gunther greets the player at their front door, thanks them for their contributions to the museum, and gives them the Rusty Key. In [[Többjátékos]], the host must speak with Gunther to get the key.

Its existence is first referenced by [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]] in a cutscene in [[Cindersa-erdő]]. This cutscene triggers on or after Spring 11 of year 1 by entering the Forest between 9am and 4pm on a Monday, Thursday, or Sunday.

Once obtained, it can be found in the [[Wallet]] in the [[The Player]]'s Menu on the Skills tab.

[[Category:Special items]]

[[de:Rostiger Schlüssel]]
[[es:Llave oxidada]]
[[fr:Clé rouillée]]
[[it:Chiave arrugginita]]
[[ko:녹슨 열쇠]]
[[hu:Rozsdás kulcs]]
[[pt:Chave Enferrujada]]
[[ru:Ржавый ключ]]
[[tr:Paslı Anahtar]]
