Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Dorka02 2024-12-17 19:27:48.

Robbanást generál. Vigyázz!
Eladási ár data-sort-value="50">Gold.png50g
Receptforrás(ok) Mining Skill Icon.png Mining Level 6
Hozzávalók Iron Ore.png Vas érc (4)Coal.png Szén (1)
This article is about the specific item. A all types of bomb, lásd Crafting#Bombs.

The Bomb is a one-time use explosive item. It damages certain items within its radius. Other items are impervious to its effects.

Bombs can be crafted or purchased from the Dwarf (both in the Volcano Dungeon and the Mines) for data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1 000g. They are also offered by the Desert Trader, who will trade five Quartz for one Bomb. Bats, Lava Crabs, Squid Kids, and Serpents can drop Bombs when slain. Ten Bombs may occasionally be found in treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern. Crates and barrels in the "dangerous" Mines or Skull Cavern can drop one. 3-5 Bombs may occasionally be found in Supply Crates on the Beach Farm provided the player has upgraded the Farmhouse exactly once. A Bomb may occasionally be obtained from the Traveling Cart for data-sort-value="50"Gold.png150–1 000g. Five Bombs may be received from opening a Mystery Box. Twelve or fifteen Bombs can be given as a prize from the prize machine in the Mayor's Manor. Kent may randomly send one in the mail as a gift.

If a player has read the Dwarvish Safety Manual, they will take 25% less damage from a Bomb.


Note that the following is not an exhaustive list:

  • Rocks and ore/gem nodes will drop their respective ores, gems, etc.
  • Mushrooms, Artifact Spots, and foraged minerals will be destroyed.
  • Any untilled dirt tiles within a significantly smaller radius will become tilled. In the Mines and Skull Cavern, any items (e.g., clay, artifacts) will be dropped at the same rate as a player using a hoe; elsewhere, nothing will drop (unless the spot in question is the subject of a Secret Note).
  • Crafted artisan and refining equipment will be destroyed.
  • Heaters will be destroyed.
  • Auto-Grabbers will not be destroyed, whether empty or containing items.
  • Trees will be destroyed when their health reaches zero (this may require more than one bomb). Trees will drop wood, sap, and any seeds they contained.


The Bomb has a radius of 5 (diameter of 11).


Falusiak reakciója

Nem kedvelt   Abigail  Alex  Caroline  Clint  Demetrius  Elliott  Emily  Evelyn  George  Gus  Haley  Harvey  Jas  Jodi  Kent  Krobus  Leah  Leo  Lewis  Linus  Marnie  Maru  Pam  Penny  Pierre  Robin  Sam  Sandy  Sebastian  Shane  Törpe  Varázsló  Vincent  Willy


Bomb is not used in any bundles.


A Bomb can be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the   Bomber Jacket. It can be used as a black dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed.


Bomb is not used in any quests.
