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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Margotbean (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2024. szeptember 16., 10:15-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Szövegcsere – „{{name|” → „{{Name|”)
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Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Margotbean 2024-09-16 10:15:18.

Slime Egg-Press.png
100 ragacsot egy ragacs tojássá alakít át. Ez a tudomány csodája!
Forrás Crafting
Eladási ár Nem lehet eladni
Receptforrás(ok) Combat Skill Icon.png Combat (Level 6)
Hozzávalók Coal.png Szén (25)Fire Quartz.png Tűz kvarc (1)Battery Pack.png Elem csomag (1)

The Slime Egg-Press is Equipment used to create Slime Eggs, unlocked after reaching Combat Level 6. Slime Eggs can be used to hatch new slimes in the Slime Hutch or elsewhere, and can also be sold for profit.

It can be placed anywhere, and picked up by hitting it with a tool or by holding left-click.

The Egg-Press can be started by adding 100 Slime from the toolbar, and creates a Green, Blue, Red, or Purple Slime Egg after Time Icon.png 1,200m (20h) [1]. It cannot produce Tiger Slime Eggs.

The color of the egg is random, and its gender can only be determined after incubation. The color of the slime(s) from which pieces of slime were obtained does not affect the color of the resulting egg.

The chances for the press to generate a particular egg are:


The average value of each Slime Egg produced by the Slime Egg-Press is roughly data-sort-value="1500">Gold.png1 500g, which is triple the sell value of the Slime used to create it.


  1. See Object::performObjectDropInAction in the game code.