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37. sor: 37. sor:  
A fejlesztett horgászbotok ([[Üvegszálas horgászbot]], [[Irídium horgászbot]]) '''NINCS''' hatással a téglalap méretére, de az [[Edző horgászbot]]tal az 5-ös szintnek megfelelő téglalap-méretet fogja megadni a játékosnak.
A fejlesztett horgászbotok ([[Üvegszálas horgászbot]], [[Irídium horgászbot]]) '''NINCS''' hatással a téglalap méretére, de az [[Edző horgászbot]]tal az 5-ös szintnek megfelelő téglalap-méretet fogja megadni a játékosnak.
===Bedobás távolsága===
===Bedobási távolság===
The player's skill level determines the maximum possible casting distance. At level 0, the maximum cast possible is 3 tiles to the south or north and 4 tiles to the east or west. The distance increases by 1 tile (in all directions) at levels 1, 4, 8 and 15.
A játékos képesség-szintje határozza meg a bedobási távolságot. 0-ás szinten a legnagyobb bedobás 3 négyzetnyi É-i és D-i irányban, 4 négyzetnyi K-i és Ny-i irányban. A távolság az 1-es, 4-es, 8-as és a 15-ös szinten növekszik 1 négyzettel.
Reaching a skill level of 15 is possible with a combination of [[Cooking|food]], [[Qi Seasoning]] and/or a Fishing Pole [[Forge#Tool enchantments|enchanted with the Master enchant]].
A 15 szint elérése lehetséges különböző [[Ételek|ételek]] fogyasztásával, [[Qi fűszerkeverék]]kel és/vagy egy horgászbottal, amit [[Kohó#Elbűvölések|Mester bűvöléssel]] bűvölt el a játékos.
The actual casting distance will be a fraction of the maximum distance, based on the fullness of the mini-game casting meter. Any cast that is more than 99% of the maximum distance is highlighted by the text "Max".<ref name="max_cast" /> "Max" casts do not receive any special benefit.
Az igazi bedobási távolság csak töredéke lesz a maximálisnak, ezt a bedobásnál a csík mutatja. Minden bedobás, ami 99%-a a maximum távolságnak, azt a játék egy "Max" jelzéssel látja el. <ref name="max_cast" /> "Max"-szal jelzett bedobásoknak nincsen semmilyen speciális tulajdonságuk.
The length of the cast is less important than where the bobber lands. Longer casts only improve fishing results if the bobber lands further from the shore, increasing the [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]]. Standing next to the water's edge allows casts to go further from land, as does avoiding locations with other nearby shores (''e.g.,'' try to fish where a river is as wide and straight as possible).
A távolság nem annyira fontos, mint az, hogy hova landol a horgászbot úszója. Nagyobb bedobások csak akkor befolyásolják a kapást, ha messzebb vannak a parttól. A víz szélén állással a vízparttól messzebb tudja bedobni a játékos az úszót. (Pl.: a folyónak azon részén próbáljon a játékos horgászni, ahol az vastagabb)
===Fish Bite Time===
===Halak harapási ideje===
The fish bite time measures the amount of time that passes before a fish bites once the fishing rod is in the water. This base time is a random number between 0.6 and 30 seconds. Each increase in fishing level decreases the maximum amount of time it takes for a fish to bite by 0.25 seconds.
A halak harapási ideje megmutatja, hogy mennyi idő telik el addig, amíg a hal ráharap az úszóra. Ez az alap idő egy random szám 0,6 és 30 másodperc között. Minden magasabb horgászási szintnél 0,25 másodperccel csökken ez az idő. Minden [[Műcsali]] 5 másodperccel csökkenti ezt az időt, míg a [[Díszes műcsali]] 10 másodperccel.
Using [[Bait]] decreases both the minimum and maximum amount of time it takes for a fish to bite by 50%. [[Wild Bait]] further decreases this by another 25%, for a total of a 62.5% decrease compared to no [[Bait]]. The minimum amount of time it takes for a fish to bite cannot drop below 0.5 seconds.
Ha a játékos első kapása lenne az adott hal, akkor a minimum és a maximum harapási idő 25%-kal csökken. (pl.: ha nem hibázta el az előző hal kifogását)
===Fishing Zone===
[[Csali]], [[Másnes]], [[Mágikus csali]], vagy bármilyen [[Csali (speciális)|adott hal kifogását megkönnyítő csali]] használatával a minimum és a maximum idő lecsökken 50%-kal. [[Vad csali]] vagy [[Kihívás csali]] használatával még 25%-kal csökken a fent említett idő, így a csali nélküli horgászáshoz képest 62,5%-kal csökken. [[Luxus csali]] használatával összesen 67%-kal csökken ez az idő.
A minimum érték nem lehet 0,5 másodperc alatt.
===Szárazföldtől való távolság===
{{Stub|7 "zónára" változott a béta 1.6-ban; A végleges 1.6-os kódot le kell elleőrizni.; Megjegyzés: későbbi fordítás szükséges, mivel az angol wikin nincs megfelelő információ.}}
Every water tile is assigned a Fishing Zone of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> that controls many aspects of fishing. The further from land (in every direction), the better the zone. The game considers most walkable surfaces, including islands, piers, and stone bridges to be "land"; wooden footbridges are one exception.
Every water tile is assigned a Fishing Zone of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> that controls many aspects of fishing. The further from land (in every direction), the better the zone. The game considers most walkable surfaces, including islands, piers, and stone bridges to be "land"; wooden footbridges are one exception.
   66. sor: 71. sor:     
===Perfect Catches===
===Perfect Catches===
The game displays a "Perfect!" catch if the fish never leaves the green rectangle. Perfect catches grant two benefits:
The game displays a "Perfect!" catch if the fish never leaves the green rectangle or if the [[Treasure Hunter]] tackle is equipped and the fish leaves the green rectangle only while the treasure chest is being captured. Perfect catches grant two benefits:
* If it is a silver or gold quality fish, the quality of the fish is increased by one. (''i.e.,'' a silver quality fish becomes a gold quality fish, a gold quality fish becomes an iridium quality fish).
* If it is a silver or gold quality fish, the quality of the fish is increased by one. (''i.e.,'' a silver quality fish becomes a gold quality fish, a gold quality fish becomes an iridium quality fish).
* The amount of experience awarded for catching the fish is multiplied by 2.4.
* The amount of experience awarded for catching the fish is multiplied by 2.4.
===Fish Size & Quality===
===Fish Size & Quality===
The factors that influence fish size are fishing zone and level, with some randomness involved. This is controlled by a variable called fFishSize, which used to calculate variations in fish sizes: a value of 0.00 for fFishSize will result in the least possible fish size while 1.00 for fFishSize will result in the highest possible fish size.<ref name="fish_quality" />
The size of each fish caught using a Fishing Rod is dependent on the Fishing Zone, the farmer's Fishing Level, the type of fish, and how close to "Perfect" the catch was. When catching a fish, a "size factor", <samp>fishSize</samp>, is determined by the equation <code>fishSize = Zone/5 * (Skill+2)/10 * Random/100</code>, where "Zone" refers to the Fishing Zone, "Skill" refers to the farmer's Fishing Level (rounded down to the nearest even value), and "Random" is a random integer value between 90 and 110, inclusive. Also note that if the player has not reached Fishing level 10 yet, the value for Skill ranges ranges between all possible even numbers from the farmer's Fishing Level (rounded down to the nearest even value) and 10 inclusive. This size factor is then limited to a range of 0 to 1 inclusive.<ref name="fishSize"/>
Each type of fish has a minimum and maximum size. When a fish is hooked, it is given an initial size based on these values and the size factor, equal to <code>minFishSize + (maxFishSize - minFishSize) * fishSize + 1</code>, rounded down, in inches.<ref name="fishSizeRange"/> The size shrinks by 1" for every 0.8 seconds that the fish is not being reeled in. However, the size cannot go below <samp>minFishSize</samp>. Additionally, if the catch was imperfect and the final size is equal to <samp>maxFishSize</samp> exactly, the fish size is reduced by 1".<ref name="fishShrinking"/> A consequence of this procedure is that the maximum possible fish size observed in game is always 1 higher than the value of <samp>maxFishSize</samp>, which can be obtained with perfect or near-perfect catch (less than 0.8 seconds not reeling in the fish). In addition, some fish have the same values for <samp>minFishSize</samp> and <samp>maxFishSize</samp>, such as the [[Fish#Legendary Fish|Legendary Fish]] and non-Ghostfish Mines fish. Due to the final adjustment for non-perfect catches, the minimum possible size for these fish is 1 lower than the value of <samp>minFishSize</samp> specified in the data.
The data for the minimum and maximum possible sizes for all fish can be found in <samp>Data\Fish.xnb</samp> for each fish. The final fish size is calculated by <samp>minFishSize + (maxFishSize - minFishSize) * fFishSize</samp>, rounded down. If the catch was perfect, this value increases by 1. If the catch was not perfect and the original calculation of the fish size was <samp>maxFishSize</samp>, this value decreases by 1. A consequence of this feature is that the maximum possible fish size observed in game is always 1 higher than the value for maxFishSize in <samp>Data\Fish.xnb</samp>. For Legendary Fish, due to the second adjustment for non-perfect catches, the minimum possible fish size will be 1 lower than the value for minFishSize in <samp>Data\Fish.xnb</samp>.<ref name="fish_quality" />
Some fish, namely the [[Sandfish]], [[Scorpion Carp]], and [[Goby]], cannot be caught at their maximum theoretical size, as they are limited by the size of their ponds which only have a maximum [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] of 2.
Base fish quality is directly determined by fFishSize: if fFishSize < 0.33 the quality is normal, otherwise if fFishSize < 0.66 the quality is silver, otherwise the quality is gold. This quality can be improved by one grade with the [[Quality Bobber]]. It can also be improved by one grade with a perfect catch as long as the fish was at least silver quality initially. These boosts stack with the Quality Bobber boost considered before the Perfect Catch boost. Since the maximum base fish quality is gold, the only way to get an iridium quality fish is by either getting a perfect catch or using the Quality Bobber.<ref name="fish_quality" />
Base fish quality is determined directly by the value of <samp>fishSize</samp>. A value below 0.33 corresponds to normal quality, a value between 0.33 and 0.66 corresponds to silver quality, and a value of 0.66 or higher corresponds to gold quality. This quality can be improved by one grade for each [[Quality Bobber]] equipped. It can also be improved by one grade with a perfect catch as long as the fish was at least silver quality initially. These boosts stack, with the Quality Bobber boost considered before the Perfect Catch boost. Since the maximum base fish quality is gold, the only way to get an iridium quality fish is by either getting a perfect catch or using the Quality Bobber.<ref name="fishQuality" />
Note that using the [[Training Rod]] will cause all fish to be normal quality. This overrides the calculation mentioned above.
Any fish caught using a [[Training Rod]] has its size set to the minimum and its quality set to normal, overriding the above procedure.<ref name="fishSizeTrainingRod"/>
Below is the table for the possible quality of the fish depending on the base fish quality and whether a Quality Bobber was used or the catch was perfect.
Below is the table for the possible quality of the fish depending on the base fish quality, if the catch was perfect, and how many Quality Bobbers were used.
! Base Fish Quality
! Base Fish Quality
! With Quality Bobber
! With 1 Quality Bobber
! With A Perfect Catch
! With 2 Quality Bobbers
! With Both
! With Perfect Catch
! With Perfect Catch + 1 Quality Bobber
! With Perfect Catch + 2 Quality Bobbers
| Normal
| Normal
| Silver
| Silver
| Gold
| Normal
| Normal
| Gold
| Gold
| Iridium
| Silver
| Silver
| Gold
| Gold
| Iridium
| Gold
| Gold
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Gold
| Gold
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Iridium
| Iridium
105. sor: 120. sor:     
Below is the table for the chances of getting certain fish sizes and base quality based on particular fishing zones and fishing levels. Note that this Base Fish Quality does not take into account improvements in quality from perfect catches or from the Quality Bobber. Those adjustments are made after the Base Fish Quality is determined as described in the previous table.
Below is the table for the chances of getting certain fish sizes and base quality based on particular fishing zones and fishing levels. Note that this Base Fish Quality does not take into account improvements in quality from perfect catches or from the Quality Bobber. Those adjustments are made after the Base Fish Quality is determined as described in the previous table.
Note that Fishing levels greater than 16 are only possible during the [[Desert Festival]], as the player must eat a dish from the [[Desert Festival#Chef|Chef]] with the Shrimp ingredient.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
110. sor: 127. sor:  
! rowspan="2" | [[Fishing#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]]
! rowspan="2" | [[Fishing#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]]
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | Fishing Level
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | Fishing Level
! colspan="2" | fFishSize
! colspan="2" | Size Factor
! colspan="3" | Base Fish Quality (% chance)
! colspan="3" | Base Fish Quality (% chance)
! colspan="2" | Perfect Fish Size (inches)
! colspan="2" | Perfect Fish Size (inches)
138. sor: 155. sor:  
| 1    || 14-15    || 0.29    || 0.35    || 67      || 33      || 0        ||  5      || 12 - 13
| 1    || 14-15    || 0.29    || 0.35    || 67      || 33      || 0        ||  5      || 12 - 13
| 1    || 16       || 0.32    || 0.40    || 10      || 90      || 0        ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 13
| 1    || 16-17    || 0.32    || 0.40    || 10      || 90      || 0        ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 13
| 1    || 18-19    || 0.36    || 0.44    || 0        || 100      || 0        ||  5 - 6  || 13 - 14
| 2    || 0-1      || 0.07    || 0.44    || 73      || 27      || 0        ||  2 - 6  ||  9 - 14
| 2    || 0-1      || 0.07    || 0.44    || 73      || 27      || 0        ||  2 - 6  ||  9 - 14
156. sor: 175. sor:  
| 2    || 14-15    || 0.58    || 0.70    || 0        || 67      || 33      ||  8 - 9  || 15 - 17
| 2    || 14-15    || 0.58    || 0.70    || 0        || 67      || 33      ||  8 - 9  || 15 - 17
| 2    || 16       || 0.65    || 0.79    || 0        || 10      || 90      ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 2    || 16-17    || 0.65    || 0.79    || 0        || 10      || 90      ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 2    || 18-19    || 0.72    || 0.89    || 0        || 0        || 100      ||  9 - 11 || 17 - 19
| 3    || 0-1      || 0.11    || 0.66    || 42      || 57      || 1        ||  3 - 9  || 10 - 16
| 3    || 0-1      || 0.11    || 0.66    || 42      || 57      || 1        ||  3 - 9  || 10 - 16
174. sor: 195. sor:  
| 3    || 14-15    || 0.86    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 3    || 14-15    || 0.86    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 3    || 16        || 0.97     || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 3    || 16-17    || 0.97    || 1.00    || 0       || 0       || 100      || 13      || 21
| 3    || 18-19    || 1.00     || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 5    || 0-1      || 0.18    || 1.00    || 20      || 39      || 41      ||  3 - 13 || 11 - 21
| 5    || 0-1      || 0.18    || 1.00    || 20      || 39      || 41      ||  3 - 13 || 11 - 21
192. sor: 215. sor:  
| 5    || 14-15    || 1.00    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 5    || 14-15    || 1.00    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 5    || 16        || 1.00    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 5    || 16-17    || 1.00    || 1.00    || 0       || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
| 5    || 18-19    || 1.00    || 1.00    || 0        || 0        || 100      || 13      || 21
   204. sor: 229. sor:     
No more than one bubble spot can exist per area (''e.g.,'' [[Pelican Town]], [[Cindersap Forest]]) at any given time, but different bubble spots can occur in multiple areas simultaneously. Some bubble spots are not possible for the player to reach with the fishing rod. Bubble spots cannot spawn on [[the Farm]] unless the player has chosen the [[Farm Maps|Riverland Farm Map]]<ref name="performtenminuteupdate" />.
No more than one bubble spot can exist per area (''e.g.,'' [[Pelican Town]], [[Cindersap Forest]]) at any given time, but different bubble spots can occur in multiple areas simultaneously. Some bubble spots are not possible for the player to reach with the fishing rod. Bubble spots cannot spawn on [[the Farm]] unless the player has chosen the [[Farm Maps|Riverland Farm Map]]<ref name="performtenminuteupdate" />.
===Fish Frenzies===
Fish Frenzies are events that can randomly happen during the day (before 11 PM) at either [[The Beach]], [[Cindersap Forest]], [[Pelican Town]], or [[The Mountain]]. They can only occur if the player has caught at least three fish and has played for at least 3 days. They can happen regardless of how many fish have been caught if the player has played for at least 14 days. Fish Frenzies cannot happen on [[Festivals|Festival]] days.
During a frenzy, bubbles will spawn for a specific fish (one that can be caught in that location on that day) in that location. When a Fish Frenzy happens, players are notified with the message " A(n) [Fish name] frenzy has begun in [location]." When fishing in these bubbles, the chances of catching the fish for the frenzy is increased significantly. The effects of these bubbles are similar to those of the combination of [[#Bubbles|normal bubbles]] and [[Targeted Bait]]. [[Fish#Legendary Fish|Legendary Fish]] and catchable items will never be the specific fish for the frenzy.
226. sor: 256. sor:  
* During the fishing minigame at the [[Stardew Valley Fair]] and the ice-fishing contest at the [[Festival of Ice]], the contest timer is never paused.
* During the fishing minigame at the [[Stardew Valley Fair]] and the ice-fishing contest at the [[Festival of Ice]], the contest timer is never paused.
==Fishing Poles==
<!--Note: This table is transcluded on the Tools page.-->
<!--Note: This table is transcluded on the Tools page.-->
<section begin="fishingrods" />
<section begin="fishingrods" />
261. sor: 291. sor:  
|[[Iridium Rod]]
|[[Iridium Rod]]
|Able to use [[bait]] &amp; [[Tackle|tackle]].
|Able to use [[bait]] &amp; [[tackle]].
|Buy from Willy's [[Fish Shop]]
|Buy from Willy's [[Fish Shop]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6<p>(The player receives a letter the day after it becomes available)</p>
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6<p>(The player receives a letter the day after it becomes available)</p>
|[[File:Advanced Iridium Rod.png|center]]
|[[Advanced Iridium Rod]]
|Able to use [[bait]] &amp; 2 [[tackle]]s.
|[[Mastery Cave]]
|Claiming [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Fishing Mastery]].
|}<section end="fishingrods" />
|}<section end="fishingrods" />
==[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|32px|link=]] Horgászási képességek==
==[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|32px|link=]] Fishing Skill==
Fishing Skill is increased by catching [[Fish]], [[Trash]], [[Seaweed]], [[Green Algae]], or [[White Algae]] with a Fishing Rod/Pole, by harvesting [[Crab Pot]]s, or by collecting items from [[Fish Pond]]s.
Fishing Skill is increased by catching [[Fish]], [[Trash]], [[Seaweed]], [[Green Algae]], or [[White Algae]] with a Fishing Rod/Pole, by harvesting [[Crab Pot]]s, or by collecting items from [[Fish Pond]]s.
   273. sor: 310. sor:  
==Tapasztalati pontok==
==Experience Points==
Trash, algae and seaweed caught with the fishing pole earn 3 XP each, and crab pots earn the player 5 XP each time the player collects from them, no matter what is collected. Otherwise, for each catch of fish, the amount of experience earned is as follows: <ref name="fishexp" />
[[Trash]], [[Green Algae]], [[White Algae]], [[Seaweed]], [[River Jelly]], [[Sea Jelly]], and [[Cave Jelly]] caught with the fishing pole earn 3 XP each, and crab pots earn the player 5 XP each time the player collects from them, no matter what is collected. Otherwise, for each catch of fish, the amount of experience earned is as follows: <ref name="fishexp" />
<code>XP = ((Fish Quality + 1) * 3) + (Fish Difficulty / 3)</code>
<code>XP = ((Fish Quality + 1) * 3) + (Fish Difficulty / 3)</code>
364. sor: 401. sor:  
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Note: The first few levels of fishing cannot normally be completed with [[Crab Pot]]s, because the player does not have access to [[Bait]] until level 2 and Crab Pots until level 3. However, the recipe for [[Wild Bait]] can be earned by befriending [[Linus]] and viewing his [[Linus#Four Hearts|four heart cutscene]]. Three crab pots can be earned at any Fishing Level by completing the {{Bundle|Crab|16|y}}. Completing the bundle without playing the fishing mini-game (or using crab pots) requires 4 fish foraged from the beach and 1 crab obtained by killing crabs in the mines.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Note: The first few levels of fishing cannot normally be completed with [[Crab Pot]]s, because the player does not have access to [[Bait]] until level 2 and Crab Pots until level 3. However, the recipe for [[Wild Bait]] can be earned by befriending [[Linus]] and viewing his [[Linus#Four Hearts|four heart cutscene]]. Three crab pots can be earned at any Fishing Level by completing the {{Bundle|Crab|16|y}}. Completing the bundle without playing the fishing mini-game (or using crab pots) requires 4 fish foraged from the beach and 1 crab obtained by killing crabs in the mines.
Note that an alternative method of gaining Fishing XP is by using [[Fish Pond]]s.
Note that an alternative method of gaining Fishing XP is by using [[Fish Pond]]s.
371. sor: 408. sor:  
Certain [[Cooking|cooked dishes]] will temporarily increase fishing level. [[Qi Seasoning]] can be applied to further increase the stat buff for dishes cooked by the player.
Certain [[Cooking|cooked dishes]] will temporarily increase fishing level. [[Qi Seasoning]] can be applied to further increase the stat buff for dishes cooked by the player.
{{:Tenger gyümölcsei|RecipeRow}}
{{:Dish O' The Sea|RecipeRow}}
{{:Fish Stew|RecipeRow}}
{{:Hal taco|RecipeRow}}
{{:Fish Taco|RecipeRow}}
{{:Homár krémleves|RecipeRow}}
{{:Lobster Bisque|RecipeRow}}
{{:Juhar rúd|RecipeRow}}
{{:Maple Bar|RecipeRow}}
{{:Tengeri hab puding|RecipeRow}}
{{:Seafoam Pudding|RecipeRow}}
{{:Garnéla koktél|RecipeRow}}
{{:Shrimp Cocktail|RecipeRow}}
{{:Pisztráng leves|RecipeRow}}
{{:Trout Soup|RecipeRow}}
Below is a table of the fishing buffs that can be obtained from the [[Desert Festival#Chef|Chef]] at the [[Desert Festival]]. These stack with normal food buffs.
During the fishing mini-game, a treasure chest will occasionally appear inside the vertical bar. Treasure chests have their own progression bar, fillable by keeping the green bobber bar behind the treasure chest icon [[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|class=inline]]. If obtained, the player is awarded random bonus loot after catching the fish. Losing the fish also loses the treasure chest.
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
!Buff Duration
|Shrimp + Rich Marinara
|[[File:Rainforest Shrimp.png|center]]
|Rainforest Shrimp
|Shrimp + Mushroom Creme
|[[File:Shrimp Donut.png|center]]
|Shrimp Donut
|Shrimp + Cherry Syrup
|[[File:Smell Of The Sea.png|center]]
|Smell Of The Sea
|Shrimp + Pungent Garlic
|[[File:Desert Gumbo.png|center]]
|Desert Gumbo
|Shrimp + Uncomfortably Hot Sauce
==Treasure Chests==
During the fishing mini-game, between 1 and 3 seconds after it starts, a treasure chest may appear inside the vertical bar. The base chance of finding a chest is 15%. The probability can be increased by 15% with the [[Magnet]], by 5% with the [[Treasure Hunter]] tackle equipped (by 10% with two equipped), and by 15% with the [[#Fishing Skill|Pirate profession]]. This is adjusted by half the value of daily [[luck]], increasing by 5% at best or decreasing by 5% at worst, with the [[Special Charm]] adding 1.25%. Food/drink buffs add 0.5% for every point of Luck.<ref name="treasure_chance" /> Treasure chests will never appear when playing the fishing minigame at the [[Stardew Valley Fair]] or during the fishing contest at the [[Festival of Ice]].
Treasure chests have their own progression bar, fillable by keeping the green bobber bar behind the treasure chest icon [[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|link=]]. If obtained, the player is awarded random bonus loot after catching the fish. '''Losing the fish also loses the treasure chest.'''
After successfully catching a fish and a treasure chest, the treasure chest items will appear in a menu. In the case of successfully catching a fish and a treasure chest while [[inventory]] is full, the caught fish will appear in the treasure chest menu alongside any treasures caught. Dismissing the menu before putting all of the items into inventory will forfeit the rest of the items.
Multiple items can appear in a treasure chest. If multiple items appear in a chest, the same item can appear in multiple slots (with some exceptions, such as special items from [[festivals]]). The number of items specified in the table is the number that can appear in a single stack (''e.g.,'' at most one lost book appears in a stack, but two lost books are possible if each appears in a different stack).
Daily Luck, along with the Fishing Zone, slightly increases the chances that various special items appear (as indicated by ≈ in the following table). Luck Buffs increase the chance that a stack of resources or geodes will double in size and also allow better rings to appear ([[Magnet Ring]] instead of [[Small Magnet Ring]] and [[Glow Ring]] instead of [[Small Glow Ring]]).
After successfully catching a treasure chest, after the fish is caught the treasure chest items will appear in a menu. In the case of successfully catching a fish and a treasure chest while [[inventory]] is full, the caught fish will appear in the treasure chest menu alongside any treasures caught. Dismissing the menu before putting all of the items into inventory will forfeit the rest of the items.  
===Golden Treasure Chests===
After claiming [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Fishing Mastery]], the treasure chest that appears when fishing may be golden. [[File:Golden Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|link=]] The base chance of a fishing treasure chest to be golden is 25%. This is adjusted by the value of daily [[luck]], increasing by 10% at best or decreasing by 10% at worst, with the [[Special Charm]] adding 2.5%.<ref name="treasure_chance" /> So the maximum possible chance for a fishing treasure chest to be golden is 37.5%, which happens at max daily luck and with the Special Charm obtained.
The base chance of finding a chest is 15%. The probability can be increased with the [[Magnet]] (+15%), the [[Treasure Hunter]] (+5%), and the [[#Fishing Skill|Pirate profession]] (+15%) for a total of 50% chance. This is adjusted by half the value of [[Luck#Daily Luck|daily luck]], increasing by 5% at best or decreasing by 5% at worst, with the [[Special Charm]] adding 1.25%. Food/drink buffs add 0.5% for every point of Luck.
Golden treasure chests provide on average more items than regular treasure chests. Excluding items that cannot be found in multiple slots, such as [[Roe]] and [[Jewels Of The Sea]], the exact percentage is equal to 27.4%. In addition, each item (aside from a few such as [[Qi Bean]]s, [[Golden Animal Cracker]]s, and [[Roe]]) has a 50% chance of being one of the following items instead:<ref name="treasure" />
* [[Iridium Bar]]
* [[Bait And Bobber]], [[Combat Quarterly]], [[Mining Monthly]], [[Stardew Valley Almanac]], or [[Woodcutter's Weekly]]
* [[Carrot Seeds]], [[Summer Squash Seeds]], [[Broccoli Seeds]], or [[Powdermelon Seeds]], depending on the season and date the treasure chest was opened
* [[Fish Taco]]
* [[Fairy Dust]]
* [[Dressed Spinner]]
* [[Challenge Bait]]
* [[Magnet]]
* [[Stardrop Tea]]
* [[Pearl]]
* [[Shrimp Cocktail]]
* [[Fish Stew]]
* [[Sonar Bobber]]
Mutliple items can appear in a treasure chest. If multiple items appear in a chest, the same item can appear in multiple slots. The number of items specified in the table is the number that can appear in a single stack (''e.g.,'' at most one lost book appears in a stack, but two lost books are possible if each appears in a different stack).
In total, golden treasure chests have about a 70% chance of containing at least one of these items. Most of these items cannot be found in regular fishing treasure chests, and those that can have much greater chances of being found in golden ones.
[[Luck]] has a small effect on a treasure chest's contents. Daily Luck slightly increases the chances that various special items appear (as indicated by ≈ in the following table). A Luck buff can increase the number of items in a stack (specifically, it increases the chance that a stack of resources or geodes will double in size). A luck buff also allows better rings to appear ([[Magnet Ring]] instead of [[Small Magnet Ring]] and [[Glow Ring]] instead of [[Small Glow Ring]]).
The following is a list of all items that can be found inside treasure chests.<ref name="treasure" /> The "Chance" columns provide the probability per treasure chest (regular and golden) that the item will appear at least once in the treasure chest, if all of the requirements for the item are met.
The following is a list of all items that can be found inside Treasure Chests.<ref name="treasure" /> The "Chance" column provides the probability per treasure chest that the item will appear, if all requirements for the item are met.
All of the items listed below, with the exception of [[Mixed Seeds]], can be found in golden treasure chests. [[Iridium Bar]], [[Carrot Seeds]], [[Summer Squash Seeds]], [[Broccoli Seeds]], [[Powdermelon Seeds]], [[Fish Taco]], [[Fairy Dust]], [[Challenge Bait]], [[Magnet]], [[Stardrop Tea]], [[Pearl]], [[Shrimp Cocktail]], and [[Fish Stew]] cannot be found in regular treasure chests.
<!--The items are listed in the order that they appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
<!--The items are listed in the order when they first appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
402. sor: 502. sor:  
!Fishing Level Required
!Fishing Level Required
!data-sort-type=number|Chance (regular)
!data-sort-type=number|Chance (golden)
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
|[[Spring]] only, not at [[The Beach]]
|[[Spring]] only, not at [[The Beach]]
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|Must know the recipe for Wild Bait<br />
Chance is significantly increased if more than one fish is caught simultaneously, which is reflected with the extra percentage ranges given
|data-sort-value=9|8-9%, 64-65%
|data-sort-value=6|5-6%, 69%
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|1-4 ||
|1-4 ||
|Only if the [[Quests#Qi's Crop|Qi's Crop]] Quest is active
|Only if the [[Quests#Qi's Crop|Qi's Crop]] Quest is active
|{{name|Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|Requires having seen Mr. Qi's cutscene and [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Foraging Mastery]] not claimed<br />
Chance increases with higher daily [[luck]] and if the player has received the power from the [[Book of Mysteries]]
|{{name|Golden Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|Requires having seen Mr. Qi's cutscene and claiming [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Foraging Mastery]]<br />
Chance increases with higher daily [[luck]] and if the player has received the power from the [[Book of Mysteries]]
|{{name|Golden Animal Cracker}}
|1 ||
|Requires claiming [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Farming Mastery]]
|{{name|Iridium Bar}}
|1-5 ||
|{{name|Bait And Bobber}}
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Mining Monthly}}
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Combat Quarterly}}
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Woodcutter's Weekly}}
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Carrot Seeds}}
|8 ||
|Must be between [[Winter]] 21 and [[Spring]] 23
|{{name|Summer Squash Seeds}}
|8 ||
|Must be between [[Spring]] 24 and [[Summer]] 20
|{{name|Broccoli Seeds}}
|8 ||
|Must be between [[Summer]] 21 and [[Fall]] 20
|{{name|Powdermelon Seeds}}
|8 ||
|Must be between [[Fall]] 21 and [[Winter]] 20
|{{name|Fish Taco}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Fairy Dust}}
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|1  ||6+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5 to obtain in regular chests
|{{name|Challenge Bait}}
|3-5 ||
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Stardrop Tea}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|{{name|Shrimp Cocktail}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Fish Stew}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Sonar Bobber}}
|Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
418. sor: 668. sor:  
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
423. sor: 674. sor:  
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
428. sor: 680. sor:  
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
433. sor: 686. sor:  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
438. sor: 692. sor:  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
443. sor: 698. sor:  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values  
|More likely at Fishing levels less than 2 and at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zones]] and if [[Lost Book]]s and [[Artifact]]s cannot be found
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|{{name|Deluxe Bait}}
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known
|Chance of obtaining is significantly reduced starting at Fishing level 6<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots starting at Fishing level 6''
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|Must know the recipe for Wild Bait<br />
There is an additional 73% chance of 2-4 Wild Bait appearing when two fish are caught simultaneously.
|{{name|Lost Book|link=Lost Books{{!}}Lost Book}}
|{{name|Lost Book|link=Lost Books{{!}}Lost Book}}
469. sor: 723. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 Lost Book has already been found, and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
|Only if at least 1 Lost Book has already been found, and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
474. sor: 729. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
479. sor: 735. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
484. sor: 741. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
489. sor: 747. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
494. sor: 753. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
499. sor: 759. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
504. sor: 765. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
509. sor: 771. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
514. sor: 777. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
519. sor: 783. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
524. sor: 789. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
529. sor: 795. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
534. sor: 801. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
539. sor: 807. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
544. sor: 813. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
549. sor: 819. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
554. sor: 825. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
559. sor: 831. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
564. sor: 837. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
569. sor: 843. sor:  
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zones]]
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|1-2 ||2+
|1-2 ||2+
|More likely at higher [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
|More likely at higher [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
|{{name|Mixed Seeds}}
|{{name|Mixed Seeds}}
639. sor: 927. sor:  
|{{name|Neptune's Glaive}}
|{{name|Neptune's Glaive}}
644. sor: 933. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4|≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Broken Trident}}
|{{name|Broken Trident}}
649. sor: 939. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4|≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Small Glow Ring}}
|{{name|Small Glow Ring}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24-0.32%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18|≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
659. sor: 951. sor:  
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Small Magnet Ring}}
|{{name|Small Magnet Ring}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24-0.32%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18|≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
669. sor: 964. sor:  
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Amethyst Ring}}
|{{name|Amethyst Ring}}
674. sor: 970. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Topaz Ring}}
|{{name|Topaz Ring}}
679. sor: 976. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Aquamarine Ring}}
|{{name|Aquamarine Ring}}
684. sor: 982. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Jade Ring}}
|{{name|Jade Ring}}
689. sor: 988. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Emerald Ring}}
|{{name|Emerald Ring}}
694. sor: 994. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Ruby Ring}}
|{{name|Ruby Ring}}
699. sor: 1 000. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Treasure Chest}}
|{{name|Treasure Chest}}
704. sor: 1 006. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.16|≈0.16%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Prismatic Shard}}
|{{name|Prismatic Shard}}
709. sor: 1 012. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)|link=Strange Doll (yellow){{!}}Strange Doll}}
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)|link=Strange Doll (yellow){{!}}Strange Doll}}
714. sor: 1 018. sor:  
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)|link=Strange Doll (green){{!}}Strange Doll}}
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)|link=Strange Doll (green){{!}}Strange Doll}}
719. sor: 1 024. sor:  
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Iridium Band}}
|{{name|Iridium Band}}
724. sor: 1 030. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
729. sor: 1 036. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
734. sor: 1 042. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
739. sor: 1 048. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Work Boots}}
|{{name|Work Boots}}
744. sor: 1 054. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
749. sor: 1 060. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
754. sor: 1 066. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
759. sor: 1 072. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
764. sor: 1 078. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
769. sor: 1 084. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
774. sor: 1 090. sor:  
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||
|Requires achieving [[Perfection]]
|Requires achieving [[Perfection]]
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Bobber}}
|1 ||
|Can only get when Willy's "Golden Bobber" quest is active during the [[Desert Festival]] and cannot already have Golden Bobber in inventory<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
|1-6 ||
|Requires having the power obtained from the [[Jewels Of The Sea]] book, gives the same fish roe as the fish being caught<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
|{{name|Jewels Of The Sea}}
|1  ||5+
|Must have already opened at least 2 other fishing treasure chests, chance is greater if book has not been found before<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
|data-sort-value=2.1|>=2.1%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2.1|>=2.1%<ref name="roe_book" />
|{{name|Golden Tag}}
|1  ||
|Can only get during the [[Trout Derby]] festival when catching a [[Rainbow Trout]]. Chance is equal to 33% x [number of fish caught simultaneously].<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
|data-sort-value=33|33-99%<ref name="goldentag" />
|data-sort-value=33|33-99%<ref name="goldentag" />
Bizonyos helyeken horgászva, ajándékos dobozokat lehet szerezni, amelyek [[Bútor|bútort]] vagy [[Kalapok|kalapokat]] tartalmaznak. Ezek lehetnek:
By fishing in certain locations, gift boxes containing [[furniture]] or [[hats]] may be obtained. These include:
789. sor: 1 135. sor:  
*Fisherman (Catch 10 different [[fish]])
*Fisherman (Catch 10 different [[fish]])
*Ol' Mariner (Catch 24 different [[fish]])
*Ol' Mariner (Catch 24 different [[fish]])
*Mother Catch (Catch 100 [[fish]])
*Master Angler (Catch every [[fish]])
*Master Angler (Catch every [[fish]])
*Mother Catch (Catch 100 [[fish]])
797. sor: 1 143. sor:  
<ref name="max_cast"> See <samp>Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp> in the game code.</ref>
  <ref name="max_cast"> See <samp>FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="fishing_zone">The fishing zone is calculated by the function <samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp>; the value is assigned to the variable <samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="fishing_zone">The fishing zone is calculated by the function <samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp>; the value is assigned to the variable <samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fish_quality">The fish size and quality are determined by the functions <samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>, <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp>, <samp>BobberBar::update</samp>, and <samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="fishSize">The size factor is determined in the function <samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">The effects of bubbles on fishing bite times is handled in <samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp>, specifically at <samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp>. The effect of bubbles on fish type is also in <samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp> in the call to <samp>location.getFish</samp>, where the argument <samp>waterDepth</samp> is set to <samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="fishSizeTrainingRod">The effect of the Training Rod on Fish Size and Quality is determined in <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="fishexp">See <samp>Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp> in the game code.</ref>
  <ref name="fishSizeRange">The values for <samp>minFishSize</samp> and <samp>maxFishSize</samp> are given in <samp>Data/Fish.xnb</samp> in the game files, while the procedure to actually calculate initial fish size is given in <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="treasure">The contents of a treasure chest are determined by <samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="fishShrinking">The shrinking of fish from their initial size to their final size can be found in <samp>BobberBar::Update</samp> in the game code</ref>
<ref name="treasure_artifact">The chance of an artifact appearing in a treasure chest is higher if [[Lost Books]] are not possible, ''e.g.,'' after the Museum's collection is complete.</ref>
  <ref name="fishQuality">The conversion from <samp>fishSize</samp> to <samp>fishQuality</samp> can be found in <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="treasure_special">The chance of a special item appearing in a treasure chest is adjusted by <samp>LuckModifier</samp>, which is set to <samp>(1 + DailyLuck) * FishingZone/5</samp>. This means that fishing zone is the most important factor, as special items are 5x more likely to be found when caught in a fishing zone of 5 instead of 1. Special items are only 1.25x more likely to be found with maximum daily luck (0.125) instead of minimum (-0.1). For example, the chance of finding a Broken Trident varies from 0.075% (DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1) to 0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5). The page lists the chance of finding special items with neutral luck and Zone=5.</ref>
  <ref name="bubbles">The effects of bubbles on fishing bite times is handled in <samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp>, specifically at <samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp>. The effect of bubbles on fish type is also in <samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp> in the call to <samp>location.getFish</samp>, where the argument <samp>waterDepth</samp> is set to <samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="performtenminuteupdate">The bubbles, or 'fishSplashPoint' is placed in <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="fishexp">See <samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp> in the game code.</ref>
  <ref name="treasure_chance">See <samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp> in the game code.</ref>
  <ref name="treasure">The contents of a treasure chest are determined by <samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="treasure_artifact">The chance of an artifact appearing in a treasure chest is higher if [[Lost Books]] are not possible, ''e.g.,'' after the Museum's collection is complete.</ref>
  <ref name="treasure_special">The chance of a special item appearing in a treasure chest is adjusted by <samp>LuckModifier</samp>, which is set to <samp>(1 + DailyLuck) * FishingZone/5</samp>. This means that fishing zone is the most important factor, as special items are 5x more likely to be found when caught in a fishing zone of 5 instead of 1. Special items are only 1.25x more likely to be found with maximum daily luck (0.125) instead of minimum (-0.1). For example, the chance of finding a Broken Trident varies from 0.075% (DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1) to 0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5). The page lists the chance of finding special items with neutral luck and Zone=5.</ref>
  <ref name="roe_book">If the player has not obtained the [[Jewels Of The Sea]] book before, the chances of the book appearing is <samp>0.02+0.001*X</samp>, where <samp>X</samp> is the total amount of treasure chests the player has opened. If the player has obtained the book before, the chance is constant at <samp>0.021</samp>.</ref>
  <ref name="goldentag">See <samp>FishingRod::tickUpdate</samp> in the game code.</ref>
  <ref name="performtenminuteupdate">The bubbles, or 'fishSplashPoint' is placed in <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>.</ref>
{{History|1.4|Introduced [[Training Rod]]. Removed exploit where clicking the journal icon would pause time but still allow fish to bite.}}
{{History|1.4|Introduced [[Training Rod]]. Can now attach [[bait]]s, [[tackle]]s, etc., directly from a [[#Treasure Chests|treasure chest]]. Bottom edge of fishing bobber bar made slightly more generous. Effect of fishing level on fish size no longer caps at 10. Removed exploit where clicking the journal icon would pause time but still allow fish to bite. Fixed bug where player's fishing level and bait were not taken into account for the wait time if the first nibble was missed.}}
{{History|1.5|Added [[#Presents|fishing presents]]. Added [[Golden Egg]]s and [[Qi Bean]]s to potential treasure chest rewards.}}
{{History|1.5|Added [[#Presents|fishing presents]]. Added [[Golden Egg]]s and [[Qi Bean]]s to potential treasure chest rewards. Catching a non-fish item no longer triggers the minigame. Added option to choose between multiple fish-bite chime sounds.}}
{{History|1.5.2|Fixed crash when fishing on [[the Farm]] using [[Magic Bait]].}}
{{History|1.5.4|Fixed softlock when fishing with multiple rods in inventory after catching a treasure and casting from a different rod.}}
{{History|1.5.5|Fixed issue preventing certain spots in the [[The Mountain|Mountain lake]] from spawning bubbles.}}
{{History|1.6|Added [[Advanced Iridium Rod]]. Submerged fishing bobber now automatically recolored to match the water. Added [[Mystery Box]], [[Golden Mystery Box]], [[Golden Animal Cracker]], [[Sonar Bobber]], [[Deluxe Bait]], skill books, Golden Bobber, [[Roe]], [[Jewels Of The Sea]], and Golden Tag to potential treasure chest rewards. Added Golden Fishing Tresure Chests with more exclusive rewards. Players are now notified when they first catch each specific type of fish. If you haven't gained fishing experience after obtaining the Bamboo Pole, before spring 28, year 1, Willy comes to your house and give you a training rod after giving you a quick lesson on fishing basics that makes you reach level 1 fishing.}}
{{History|1.6.3|Fixed bug introduced in v1.6 which caused other types of bait to act as [[Targeted Bait|targeted bait]] for no fish, resulting in excess trash fished.}}
{{History|1.6.4|Added [[#Fish Frenzies|Fish Frenzies]]. Slightly reduced chance to find [[Mystery Box]]es and [[Golden Mystery Box]]es.}}
1 752


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