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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Margotbean (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2024. június 29., 16:42-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (→‎Hungarian ids)
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Hungarian ids

May I ask why you rollback it? We link to these ids so the Hungarian translations makes sense. (If it's important to keep these ids but link to the Hungarian translation, I can put it in another cell.) Connorhu (vita) 2024. június 28., 18:40 (UTC)

Hello Connor, I'm sorry I did that without explanation! The reason is that at least one other translated page linked to the English ID, so the changes broke that link.
The IDs in table cells are, quite frankly, a mess in all non-English languages. No one knows if they should translate them or not. (Mostly, translators don't know what the heck they are, so they just translate them.) You may already know, but the ID is used to link to a subsection of a page. So, I could link to Küldetések#How to Win Friends, and clicking the link would take you to that section of the page instead of the top.
The IDs could be anything, like "q1", "helloworld", "küldetések222", "k49", etc. If they remain in English, there's less to translate. At least that was my thinking initially when other languages were first added. Now, it's a bit of a mess. In 11 languages.
So, now that you have the background, I'll let you decide if they should be translated or not.
Again, I apologize for not communicating this sooner! margotbean (vita) 2024. június 29., 16:39 (UTC)
Also, I apologize for not reading your comment more thoroughly! Having two IDs would solve the problem completely! The syntax would be: |id="Introductions" id="Bemutatkozás"|Bemutatkozás
Genius!! 👏👏👏 margotbean (vita) 2024. június 29., 16:42 (UTC)