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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Connorhu (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2024. július 27., 08:53-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (→‎Válaszok: sync with translation files)
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Ez az oldal vagy fejezet a Stardew Valley 1.6-os frissítésével kapcsolatos, jelöletlen spoilereket tartalmaz. A játékosoknak érdemes elkerülniük, vagy óvatosan olvasniuk ezt a cikket/fejezetet.

Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

Hiányos fordítás

Ezt a cikket vagy szakaszt nem fordították le teljesen magyarra. Üdvözlünk az oldal fordításával.
Utoljára szerkesztette Connorhu 2024-07-27 08:53:07.

Fish Pond.png
Építési költség: data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5 000g
Építőanyagok: Stone.png  (200)Seaweed.png Hínár (5)Green Algae.png Zöld alga (5)
Méret: 5x5

A halastó egy farmépület, amit Robintól lehet megvásárolni az ácsműhelyben. Megépítése két napot vesz igénybe, és 5x5 helyet foglal el.

Az alábbiak helyezhetők egy halastóba:

  • A legendás halak és a Qi kibővített családja kivételével minden hal, amelyet horgászbottal vagy rákvarsával lehet kifogni.
  • Korall és tengeri sün (az egyszerűség kedvéért ezek is szerepelnek, amikor a halakra hivatkozunk a halastóban, még akkor is, ha egyébként gyűjtögetésnek számítanak és nem halnak).
  • Arany állatkeksz, halastavanként egyszer, hogy megduplázza a halastó normál termelését.

Az alábbiak nem helyezhetők el halastavakba:

Fish in a Fish Pond have a chance to produce Roe or certain other items. A Golden Animal Cracker can be thrown into the fish pond to double its output. The chance of producing an item and the item produced is determined randomly based on the contents and population of the Fish Pond. Also, fish reproduce up to the limit of their Fish Pond, except Tiger Trout, which do not reproduce. The time it takes for a new fish to spawn varies from 1 to 5 days, depending on the fish.

If a Fish Pond produces any amount of Roe, the game generates a random number between 0 and 1. If it is less than 0.2, the quantity of the Roe produced increases by 1. This repeats until the random number is greater than or equal to 0.2, at which point the chance for the quantity of the Roe to increase ends. This, on average, will give 0.25 extra Roe. This increase is taken into account before the doubling from the Golden Animal Cracker.[1]

Fish can be harvested one at a time by casting the fishing pole into the pond. Harvested fish are always of regular quality (even if higher quality fish were thrown into the pond). Although energy is consumed when casting the rod into the pond, a simplified mechanism is used for catching the fish: fish are caught automatically (without the minigame), no bait is consumed, and the durability of tackle is not depleted. The fish do not count towards the Fish Collection, and no fishing experience is gained by harvesting fish from a pond. However, fishing experience is gained when completing fish pond quests or collecting items produced by a pond.

Each pond holds only one type of fish at a time. Ponds are populated by holding the desired fish (with the inventory menu closed) and right-clicking on the pond to "throw" the fish in. Attempting to throw in a legendary fish yields a prompt saying "The [fish] wouldn't be happy in there." Attempting to throw a fish into a pond that already contains a different type of fish yields a prompt saying that type of fish doesn't want to live in a pond of another type.

The standard initial capacity of a pond is three fish. Several rare fish have an initial capacity of just one fish, namely Blobfish, Ghostfish, Ice Pips, Lava Eels, Slimejacks, Stonefish, Sturgeons, Void Salmons, and Woodskips. Conversely, Tiger Trout, Sea Urchins, and Coral have an initial capacity of ten.

Üres tó

A fish pond can be emptied either by using a fishing rod to catch and remove each fish or by selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond menu.

Catching and removing all the fish simply reduces the pond population but does not reset the pond. Only the same species of fish can be added to the pond. All quest-related capacity increases are retained.

Selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond fully resets the pond, returning it to the same state as a newly built pond. Any remaining fish in the pond will flop out. If a Golden Animal Cracker was used on the fish pond, it will permanently disappear.


Fish in a pond reproduce at a fixed rate until they reach the pond's current capacity. Fish quests allow the player to increase the capacity of the pond, up to a maximum capacity of 10 fish.

The fish spawn frequency is species dependent, and ranges from 1 to 5 days (except for Tiger Trout, which does not reproduce). More expensive fish spawn more slowly. Fish will reproduce even if only one fish is present in the pond. Instead of waiting for fish spawning, more fish can be thrown into the pond up to its current capacity.

A new fish quest is initiated when population growth is prevented by the pond capacity. This is indicated by an exclamation point appearing in the center of the pond. A quest is not triggered if the player throws fish into a pond to reach capacity. Instead, the player must wait 1-5 days for the fish quest to start. (Adding fish to the pond does not reset the fish spawning clock, so the next quest will start Spawn_Frequency days after the last spawning event or completed quest). Also, removing fish from a pond with an active quest disables the quest and removes the quest exclamation point, but it does not reset the quest -- as soon as the pond returns to capacity, the quest resumes with the same item requested again.

The fish quests require the player to fetch a specified number of one item and throw it into the pond. If multiples of an item are requested, they are added one at a time, meaning different qualities can be combined. When a quest is completed, the fish will jump out of the pond and thank the player (using one of 19 responses). Also, the player is granted 25-45 Fishing XP (dependent upon the fish spawning frequency, XP = 20 + 5 × Spawn_Frequency).

The possible items depend upon the fish species and the pond capacity. When multiple items are possible for a given quest (or when the number of requested items is variable), the details of the request are randomly selected when the quest initiates. The random selection is seeded based on the fish pond location and day when the quest initiated; reloading a game save will not alter the selection.

The fish population does not immediately increase when a quest is complete. Instead, the fish spawning clock resets to zero days, and the next population increase happens Spawn_Frequency days later. This means that even if a fish quest is completed immediately, the fish population takes more than twice as long to increase each time there is a quest. For example, instead of taking 45 days for an Ice Pip pond to reach a population of 10, it takes at least 69 days (assuming only one initial fish is thrown into the pond).

Hal Populációs küldetések ennyi db után Szükséges tárgy(ak) Normális megjelenési gyakoriság
Lionfish 3 3 Ginger or 1 Pineapple 3 days
5 1 Mango
Blue Discus 3 3 Taro Root 3 days
5 10 Taro Root
Stingray 3 7 Cinder Shard 4 days
5 1 Dragon Tooth
Squid 3 3 Coral or 1 Sea Urchin 3 days
5 2 Sardine
Midnight Squid 3 3 Coral or 2 Sea Urchin 3 days
5 2 Sardine
8 1 Ocean Stone
Carp 3 2 Green Algae 1 day
5 2 Cave Carrot
Midnight Carp 3 10 Coal 2 days
5 1 River Jelly
Flounder 3 3 Coral 2 days
5 1 Sea Jelly
Herring 3 3 Driftwood 1 day
5 1 Coral
Sunfish 3 2 Acorn or 2 Geode 1 day
5 1 Amethyst or 3 Mixed Seeds
Blobfish 1 3 Coral, 2 Frozen Tear, or 2 Sea Urchin 4 days
3 5 Coffee Bean, 1 Mayonnaise, or 1 Pizza
5 1 Cookie, 1 Green Tea, or 1 Wine
7 1 Rainbow Shell or 1 Rice Pudding
Lava Eel 1 3 Fire Quartz 5 days
3 1 Basalt, 2 Diamond, or 1 Dwarf Scroll III
5 2 Mega Bomb
7 1 Iridium Bar
Woodskip 1 10 Hardwood 2 days
3 2-3 Common Mushroom or 2-3 Red Mushroom
5 1 Oak Resin or 1 Pine Tar
7 2 Jade or 1 Tea Leaves
Scorpion Carp
3 3 Cactus Fruit or 3 Coconut 4 days
5 1 Golden Relic
Void Salmon 1 5 Void Essence 4 days
3 10 Bat Wing
5 1 Diamond or 1 Void Egg
7 1 Iridium Ore
Slimejack 1 20 Slime 3 days
3 10 Bug Meat
5 1 Algae Soup or 5 Wild Bait
7 1 Petrified Slime
Stonefish 1 10 Copper Ore 5 days
3 5 Earth Crystal
5 10 Coal or 5 Geode
7 4 Copper Bar or 5 Refined Quartz
Ice Pip 1 10 Iron Ore 5 days
3 5 Frozen Tear
5 10 Coal, 1 Crystal Fruit, or 5 Frozen Geode
7 4 Iron Bar or 10 Refined Quartz
Ghostfish 1 5 Quartz 2 days
3 5 Cave Carrot
5 5 White Algae
7 1 Dwarf Scroll I, 1 Dwarf Scroll II, or 2 Refined Quartz
Sturgeon 1 1 Diamond 4 days
3 1 Jelly, 2 Maple Syrup, or 1 Pickles
5 3 Omni Geode
7 1 Nautilus Shell
Super Cucumber 3 3 Coral, 1 Honey, 1 Oyster, 3 Driftwood, or 3 Refined Quartz 4 days
5 1 Dried Starfish, 2 Emerald, 2-3 Omni Geode, or 2-3 Purple Mushroom
7 1 Diamond, 3 Gold Bar, 1 Iridium Ore, 1 Jelly, 1 Pickles, or 2 Sea Urchin
Octopus 3 3 Coral, 1 Honey, 1 Oyster, or 3 Refined Quartz 4 days
5 1 Dried Starfish, 2 Emerald, 2-3 Omni Geode, or 2-3 Purple Mushroom
7 1 Green Tea
Rainbow Trout 3 3 Coral, 1 Honey, 1 Oyster, or 3 Refined Quartz 2 days
5 1 Dried Starfish, 2 Emerald, 2-3 Omni Geode, or 2-3 Purple Mushroom
7 1 Diamond, 3 Gold Bar, 1 Iridium Ore, 1 Jelly, or 1 Pickles
Spook Fish 3 3 Amethyst, 3 Coral, 3 Iron Bar, 1 Oyster, 3 Red Mushroom, or 3 Refined Quartz 4 days
5 1 Dried Starfish, 2 Emerald, 1 Granite, 2-3 Omni Geode, or 2-3 Purple Mushroom
7 1 Diamond, 3 Gold Bar, 1 Iridium Ore, 1 Mayonnaise, or 1 Pickles
Catfish 3 2 Amethyst, 3 Copper Bar, 3 Red Mushroom, or 2 Topaz 4 days
5 10 Bat Wing, 2 Earth Crystal, 5 Mixed Seeds, or 2-3 Purple Mushroom
7 1 Diamond, 3 Iron Bar, 1 Mayonnaise, or 1 Pickles
3 2 Bream, 2 Carp, or 2 Chub 3 days
5 2 Bullhead or 2 Largemouth Bass
7 2 Ghostfish, 2 Sandfish, or 2 Woodskip
Coral N/A N/A 2 days
Sea Urchin N/A N/A 4 days
3 5 Clay or 15 Fiber 2 days
5 10 Bug Meat, 1 Cave Carrot, or 5 Hardwood
7 1 Field Snack, 5 Solar Essence, or 1 Wild Bait
Periwinkle 3 5 Clay or 15 Fiber 1 day
5 10 Bug Meat, 1 Cave Carrot, or 5 Hardwood
7 1 Field Snack, 5 Solar Essence, or 1 Wild Bait
Mussel 3 5 Clay 1 day
5 10 Bug Meat or 5 Quartz
7 1 Sea Urchin, 5 Solar Essence, or 1 Wild Bait
3 5 Clay 2 days
5 10 Bug Meat or 5 Quartz
7 1 Sea Urchin, 5 Solar Essence, or 1 Wild Bait
3 5 Clay 3 days
5 10 Bug Meat or 5 Quartz
7 1 Sea Urchin, 5 Solar Essence, or 1 Wild Bait
Anchovy 3 3 Driftwood, 1 Frozen Geode, or 1-2 Seaweed 1 day
5 2 Clam or 2 Coral
7 2 Aquamarine, 1 Mussel, or 2 Sea Urchin
Red Mullet
Red Snapper
Sea Cucumber
3 3 Driftwood, 1 Frozen Geode, or 1-2 Seaweed 2 days
5 2 Clam or 2 Coral
7 2 Aquamarine, 1 Mussel, or 2 Sea Urchin
3 3 Driftwood, 1 Frozen Geode, or 1-2 Seaweed 3 days
5 2 Clam or 2 Coral
7 2 Aquamarine, 1 Mussel, or 2 Sea Urchin
Pufferfish 3 3 Driftwood, 1 Frozen Geode, or 1-2 Seaweed 4 days
5 2 Clam or 2 Coral
7 2 Aquamarine, 1 Mussel, or 2 Sea Urchin
Smallmouth Bass
3 3 Acorn, 10 Bug Meat, 3 Maple Seed, or 3 Pine Cone 2 days
5 3 Gold Ore, 1 Maple Syrup, or 5 Mixed Seeds
7 1 Crayfish, 1 Honey, 2 Jade, or 1 Periwinkle
Walleye 3 3 Acorn, 10 Bug Meat, 3 Maple Seed, or 3 Pine Cone 3 days
5 3 Gold Ore, 1 Maple Syrup, or 5 Mixed Seeds
7 1 Crayfish, 1 Honey, 2 Jade, or 1 Periwinkle
Goby 3 3 Acorn, 10 Bug Meat, 3 Maple Seed, or 3 Pine Cone 4 days
5 3 Gold Ore, 1 Maple Syrup, or 5 Mixed Seeds
7 1 Crayfish, 1 Honey, 2 Jade, or 1 Periwinkle
Bullhead 3 10 Bug Meat, 2-3 Clay, 2-3 Green Algae, or 5 Slime 2 days
5 2-3 Common Mushroom, 1-2 Earth Crystal, or 1 Limestone
7 1 Mudstone, 1 Snail, or 5 Wild Bait
Largemouth Bass 3 10 Bug Meat, 2-3 Clay, 2-3 Green Algae, or 5 Slime 3 days
5 2-3 Common Mushroom, 1-2 Earth Crystal, or 1 Limestone
7 1 Mudstone, 1 Snail, or 5 Wild Bait


Fish ponds may produce items in the chum bucket daily, with items being more likely at higher fish populations. The most common item is Roe, but at high populations, some fish can produce rare or valuable items. A Golden Animal Cracker can be thrown into the fish pond to upgrade and double its output, with a visual indicator of turning the chum bucket golden. This can be reverted by emptying the pond with the “empty pond” option.

Any produced items are collected by clicking on the fish pond. Uncollected items only persist to the next day if new items are not produced; otherwise the new items replace the uncollected items. Collecting an item grants Fishing XP according to XP = 10 + (0.04 × the sell price of the item)

The base chance that an item is possible ranges from 23% to 95% (base_chance = (population of pond × 0.08) + 0.15)[2]. Empty ponds never produce items. The game then selects which item will appear, based on the fish species and population. The item-selection can produce no item (especially at low populations), meaning that the overall daily item chance may be much lower than the base 23-95% value.

The table below shows all possible fish pond products, along with the required fish pond population for the item to be possible. The column "% of Items" provides each item's chance as a fraction of all items produced by the pond[3]. The column "Overall Daily Chance" is the chance of the item appearing on a given day, obtained by multiplying the base chance (23-95%) by the "% of Items". Both chances may vary depending upon the fish pond population, as may the possible counts of a given item. More details on all item chances are provided on each individual fish page.

Fish Item(s) Produced Required Population % of Items Overall Daily Chance
Lionfish 1 Roe 1 71-100% 23-67%
2-5 Taro Tuber 4 10-28% 20-26%
1 Tiger Slime Egg 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
Blue Discus 1 Roe 1 80-100% 23-76%
1 Banana 4 7-16% 5-15%
1 Golden Coconut 9 5% 4%
Stingray 1 Roe 1 80-100% 18-77%
1 Magma Cap 4 5% 2%
2-5 Cinder Shard 7 8-10% 7-9%
1 Dragon Tooth 9 5% 5%
1 Battery Pack 9 10% 9-10%
Squid 1 Squid Ink 1 25-100% 6-95%
Midnight Squid 1-2 Squid Ink 1 20-97% 5-92%
1 Roe 1 100% 23-95%
Midnight Carp 1 Roe 1 92-100% 23-87%
1 River Jelly 7 5-8% 4-7%
Flounder 1 Roe 1 92-100% 23-87%
1 Sea Jelly 7 5-8% 4-7%
Sunfish 1 Roe 1 83-90% 21-79%
1 Solar Essence 10 8% 8%
Blobfish 1-2 Roe 1 90-100% 21-91%
1 Pearl 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
5 Warp Totem: Farm 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
Lava Eel 1-3 Roe 1 72-90% 18-74%
5 Gold Ore 3 7-10% 4-8%
1-3 Cave Jelly 8 3-7% 3-6%
5 Spicy Eel 9 3.6-3.9% 3.4-3.5%
5-10 Magma Geode 9 2-5% 2-5%
Woodskip 1 Roe 1 47-66% 15-45%
1-10 Wood 1 20-27% 5-22%
5 Hardwood 6 8-10% 6-7%
1-5 Acorn 9 5% 4-5%
1-5 Maple Seed 9 5% 4-5%
1-5 Pine Cone 9 5% 4%
Tiger Trout 1-2 Roe 1 100% 23-95%
Scorpion Carp
1-3 Roe 1 75-88% 17-82%
2-5 Cactus Seeds 10 5% 5%
Void Salmon 1-3 Roe 1 87-100% 23-83%
5-10 Void Essence 8 8% 6-7%
1 Void Egg 9 5% 4-5%
Slimejack 1 Roe 1 46-80% 18-57%
1 Green Algae 3 6-10% 4-8%
10-50 Slime 9 34% 30-32%
1 Green Slime Egg 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
Stonefish 1 Roe 1 23-43% 6-41%
5 Copper Ore 3 8-10% 4-8%
1-5 Geode 9 16% 14-15%
30 Stone 9 7% 6-7%
1 Diamond 9 0.8% 0.7%
Ice Pip 1 Roe 1 23-43% 6-41%
5 Iron Ore 3 8-10% 4-8%
1-5 Frozen Geode 9 16% 14-15%
5 Frozen Tear 9 7% 6-7%
1 Diamond 9 0.8% 0.7%
Ghostfish 1 Roe 1 72-100% 23-73%
1-3 Quartz 3 8-17% 3-17%
5 White Algae 9 5% 4-5%
1 Refined Quartz 9 4% 4%
3 Pale Broth 9 1.9% 1.7-1.8%
Sturgeon 1-2 Roe 1 20-100% 5-95%
Super Cucumber 1 Roe 1 90-100% 23-86%
1-3 Iridium Ore 9 5% 4-5%
1-3 Amethyst 9 5% 4-5%
Octopus 1 Roe 1 83-100% 23-79%
1-10 Omni Geode 9 17% 15-16%
Rainbow Trout 1 Roe 1 98-100% 23-93%
1 Rainbow Shell 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
1 Prismatic Shard 9 0.1% 0.09%
Spook Fish 1 Roe 1 100% 23-95%
1 Treasure Chest 9 0.3% 0.3%
1 Roe 1 95-100% 23-90%
20 Bug Meat 9 5% 4-5%
Coral 1 Dolomite 9 6% 5-6%
1 Limestone 9 6% 5%
Sea Urchin 1-5 Roe 1 10-53% 2.3-50%
1 Roe 1 12-14% 3-12%
1 Trash 1 7-8% 1.9-7%
1-3 Green Algae 1 5% 1.1-4%
1 Driftwood 1 4-5% 1-4%
1 Broken Glasses 1 4% 1-4%
1 Broken CD 1 4% 0.9-3%
1 Soggy Newspaper 1 3-4% 0.9-3%
2-3 Mixed Seeds 5 4-5% 3-4%
1 Warp Totem: Mountains 9 8% 7%
1 Roe 1 11-13% 3-10%
1-3 Seaweed 1 8-9% 2-8%
1 Trash 1 6-8% 1.9-6%
1 Driftwood 1 3-4% 1-3%
1 Broken Glasses 1 3-4% 0.9-3%
1 Broken CD 1 3-4% 0.9-3%
1 Soggy Newspaper 1 3-4% 0.9-3%
1 Coral 5 6% 4-6%
1 Sea Urchin 5 4-5% 3-4%
1 Warp Totem: Beach 9 7% 6-7%
1 Nautilus Shell 9 2% 1.7-1.9%
Red Mullet
Red Snapper
Sea Cucumber
1 Roe 1 70-100% 16-95%
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
1 Roe 1 90% 21-86%


When clicking on a fish pond, various messages will be shown to the player indicating the fish pond's status, specifically specifying specific quest items when necessary. Note that "[item]" refers to the exact item the fish requested and "[quantity]" refers to the quantity of the item the fish requested.


„Remekül vagyunk!”
„Nincs okunk panaszra!”
„Minden rendben van!”
„Elég jól érezzük magunkat!”
„Egészségesek vagyunk!”
„A halak boldognak tűnnek.”
„A halak jól néznek ki.”
„Az itteni [hal neve] elég jól van.”

Ha küldetés aktív

„Tudod, [mennyiség] [tárgy] felpörgetné itt az eseményeket!”
„Ha nem túl nagy kérés... nem küldenél nekünk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t?”
„Jobban éreznénk magunkat, ha lenne [mennyiség] [tárgy] itt.”
„Kérlek... hoznál nekünk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t?”
„Jól vagyunk, de boldogabbak lennénk, ha lenne [mennyiség] [tárgy]-nk...”
„Elnézést... szeretnénk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t, kérlek.”
„Otthonosabban éreznénk magunkat [mennyiség] [tárgy] társaságában...”
„Szükségünk van [mennyiség] [tárgy] társaságára...”
[mennyiség] [tárgy] segítségével tovább szaporodhatnánk.”
„Úgy döntöttünk, hogy kellene [mennyiség] [tárgy].”
„Kell [mennyiség] [tárgy]}! Kell [mennyiség] [tárgy]!”

Ragadozó halak

„Éhesek vagyunk... hoznál nekünk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t?”
„Hoznál nekünk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t vacsorára?”
„Proteinre van szükségünk... [mennyiség] [tárgy] pont jól jönne!”

Ha a játékos férfi

„Hé te szárazföldi, nem hoznál nekünk [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t?”
„Hé... te lábas! Nem hoznál [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t, mi?”
„Psszt... Hé, pajti... szerinted tudnál [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t küldeni nekünk?”

Ha a játékos nő

„Hé, te földi, szerinted tudsz nekünk hozni [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t?”
„Hé hölgyem... Van [mennyiség] [tárgy] nálad, amit nekünk adnál?”
„Psszt... nem tudnál [mennyiség] [tárgy]-t becsempészni nekünk?”

Küldetés teljesítését követően

„Áh... a kért [tárgy].”
„Egy [tárgy] az, ami kiszolgálja az igényeinket.”
„Úgy tűnik a halak elégedettek ezzel: [tárgy].”
„Köszönjük! Köszönjük!”
[tárgy]! [tárgy]! [tárgy]! Boldogok vagyunk!”
„A halak körbe-körbe úszkálnak.”
„Váó, köszönet ezért: [tárgy]!”
„Hé, nézzétek, ez egy [tárgy]. Pont amire szükségünk van!”
„Hé! Az itteni [tárgy] jónak tűnik!”
„Köszönjük! Ez a finom [tárgy] egészségesen fog tartani minket.”
„Áh, [tárgy]... ettől otthonosabban érezzük magunkat.”
„Mindenki, nézzétek... egy friss [tárgy]!”
„A halak boldognak tűnnek.”


„Cha cha cha! Remekül üzletelünk.”
„Áh... ez ám a jó cucc. Köszönjük, kölyök.”
„Kösz, főnök!”

Ragadozó halak

„Úgy tűnik a mai menü [tárgy] lesz!”
„Friss [tárgy]! Nyami...”
„Elég ízletesnek tűnik az itteni [tárgy]. Köszönjük!”


(Clockwise from upper left) Wood Sign, Stone Sign, Dark Sign, and Sign Of The Vessel installed on fish ponds
  • The decorations around the Fish Pond can be changed only after the pond is populated by at least one fish. Right-clicking on the pond opens a menu where the decorations can be changed. The initial decoration style is chosen randomly when purchasing the pond.
  • Lava Eels, Super Cucumbers, Slimejacks, and Void Salmons change the color of the pond water. For Lava Eels, the color change happens after the first quest is completed. For the other fish, the color changes when the population reaches 3 (if the third fish is thrown into the pond, the color change happens overnight).
  • Placing a sign (stone, wood or dark) or a Sign Of The Vessel on the pond will turn it into a counter of how many fish are inside, with a sprite of the fish visible on the sign, and a number in the lower right corner.
  • The pond can be used to refill Watering Cans.
  • After raising a pond full of 10 Crabs, the next time the player talks to Willy, he will have special dialogue and give the player a Pearl.


  • Colored items like jelly will appear with their default color when thrown into a pond.
  • If a Fish Pond with a Golden Animal Cracker produces an item and the player does not collect the item, and if nothing was produced the next day, the uncollected item will persist like usual but the quantity of the uncollected item will double. This can be exploited to get a large quantity of the uncollected item, as long as the Fish Pond does not produce any new items for multiple in-game days.[4]


  1. Lásd FishPond::dayUpdate a játék kódjában.
  2. Lásd FishPond::dayUpdate a játék kódjában. A Utility::Lerp függvényt hívja meg, ami ezt a képletet eredményezi: 0.15 + (populáció / 10) * (0.95 - 0.15).
  3. Lásd Data\FishPondData.xnb a játék fájljaiban. A gyártott termék az első olyan bejegyzés, amely érvényes az aktuális populációra, és átmegy a véletlenszerűségi ellenőrzésen. Ha egyetlen bejegyzés sem felel meg, akkor nem készül elem. A nyers bejegyzéseket feldolgoztuk és összegeztük, hogy meghatározzuk az egyes elemek előállításának esélyét. Az eredmények a „Termékek esélye” oszlopban találhatók.
  4. Lásd FishPond::dayUpdate a játék kódjában. A kimeneti köteg mérete mindig megduplázódik, amíg nem üres.
