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Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

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Utoljára szerkesztette Connorhu 2024-07-10 09:04:15.


Szülinap Summer.png Nyár 24
Itt lakik The Beach
Cím Fish Shop
Házasodhat No
Klinika látogatás Spring.png Tavasz 9
Kedvencek Catfish.png HarcsaDiamond.png GyémántIridium Bar.png Irídium rúdMead.png MézsörOctopus.png PolipPumpkin.png TökSea Cucumber.png Tengeri uborkaSturgeon.png Tokhal
„A true angler has respect for the water... don't you forget that.”
— Willy

Willy is a villager who grew up traveling among the Fern Islands and now lives south of Pelican Town on The Beach. He sells bait and fishing supplies in his shop. His shop is open every day but will be closed on Saturday if the weather is nice enough for him to go fishing.


Most days Willy fishes at the beach for a few hours before operating his fish shop between 9am and 5pm. During winter he'll go to the saloon after work.

Willy's shop is closed on Saturday while he's out fishing unless it's raining. Willy never visits the Beach Resort on Ginger Island, though he ferries other villagers to and from the Island.

Shown below are Willy's schedules prioritized highest to lowest. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others.

Spring 9
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, goes fishing outside his fish shop.
8:50 AM Goes back inside fish shop from the beach.
9:00 AM Starts working at the counter in the fish shop, goods are available for sale.
"I have a doctor's appointment today, so if you need to buy anything you'd better hurry."
10:10 AM Leaves the fish shop, walks over to the Harvey's Clinic.
"Eh, I got a fish hook stuck in my thumb... the Doctor's gonna cut it out."
1:30 PM Continues checkup at the Harvey's Clinic.
"Yowch! That hurt, Doc!"
5:00 PM Leaves the Harvey's Clinic, walks over to the saloon.
"I need a little warm-me-up to be ready for another cold night on the ocean."
11:20 PM Leaves the saloon to head home for the night.
Winter 15, 16, and 17
4:30 PM At The Stardrop Saloon.
12:20 AM Returns to the fish shop.
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, goes fishing outside his fish shop.
8:50 AM Goes back inside fish shop from the beach.
9:00 AM Starts working at the counter in the fish shop, goods are available for sale.
5:00 PM Leaves the fish shop, walks over to the saloon.
"I need a little warm-me-up to be ready for another cold night on the ocean."
11:20 PM Leaves the saloon to head home for the night.
Saturday (Day off)
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, walks through town to go fishing at the river outside Leah's cottage.
2:00 PM Leaves the river and heads into Pelican Town for more river fishing.
7:00 PM Walks over to the saloon.
"Ah... Nothing's better than kicking back with a cold one after a relaxing day fishing."
11:00 PM Leaves the saloon to head home for the night.
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, goes fishing outside his fish shop.
8:50 AM Goes back inside fish shop from the beach.
9:00 AM Starts working at the counter in the fish shop, goods are available for sale.
5:00 PM Leaves the fish shop, walks over to the saloon.
"I need a little warm-me-up to be ready for another cold night on the ocean."
11:20 PM Leaves the saloon to head home for the night.
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, goes fishing outside his fish shop.
8:50 AM Goes back inside fish shop from the beach.
9:00 AM Starts working at the counter in the fish shop, goods are available for sale.
5:00 PM Leaves the fish shop, walks over to the saloon.
"Handling salty fish all day makes me real thirsty."
11:20 PM Leaves the saloon to head home for the night.
Regular Schedule
6:10 AM Wakes up for the day, goes fishing outside his fish shop.
8:50 AM Goes back inside fish shop from the beach.
9:00 AM Starts working at the counter in the fish shop, goods are available for sale.
5:00 PM Leaves the fish shop, goes out to fish on the beach.
10:00 PM Leaves the beach to head home for the night.


Willy spends most of his time fishing just outside his shop when not operating the sale counters at his shop. He's often seen at the saloon in the evenings, especially during the winter, when he sits with Clint. He lives close to Elliott; the two of them are the only residents of the beach. He is also friends with Elliott.


Fő cikk: Barátság
Lásd még: Összes ajándék listája

Willy két darab ajándékot kaphat hetente (plusz egyet a születésnapján), ami növeli vagy csökkenti barátsági szintet. Ajándék születésnapkor (Summer.png Nyár 24) 8x annyit ér és egyedi dialógust vált ki.
Szeretett vagy kedvelt ajándékra, Willy azt mondja

„Egy szülinapi ajéndék? Ez nagyon kedves tőled! Imádom.”
„Emlékeztél a szülinapomra! Köszönöm szépen. Ez nagyszerű!”

Normál ajándékra, Willy azt mondja

„Oh, egy szülinapi ajándék! Köszönöm szépen.”

Nem kedvelt vagy utált ajándékra, Willy azt mondja

„Oh... Születésnapomra? ... Köszönöm.”


„This is great! If only me ol' Pappy was around. He'd go nuts for this.”
Image Name Description Source
Willy Happy.png
Catfish Egy ritka hal, amit folyamokban lehet megtalálni. Fishing
Diamond Egy ritka és értékes drágakő. Mining
Iridium Bar.png
Iridium Bar Egy rúdnyi tiszta irídium. Furnace
Mead Egy erjesztett ital, ami mézből készült. Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Artisan Goods
Octopus Egy rejtélyes és intelligens lény. Fishing
Pumpkin Egy őszi kedvenc, ami ropogós magból nő ki, és gyengéden ízesített húsa lesz. Bónuszként üreges belsejét ünnepi dekorációvá lehet faragni. Farming
Sea Cucumber.png
Sea Cucumber Egy csúszós, nyálkás teremtmény, ami az óceán padlóján él. Fishing
Sturgeon Egy ősi, talajmenti hal, aminek csökkenő populációja van. A nőstények akár 150 évig is élhetnek. Fishing


„This looks great. Thank you!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Willy Happy.png
Gold Bar.png
Gold Bar Egy rúdnyi tiszta arany. Mining
Quartz Egy tiszta kristály, amit gyakran lehet találni barlangokban és bányákban. Foraging - Mines
Lingcod Egy félelmetes ragadozó, ami szinte mindent megeszik, ami csak a szájába kerül. Fishing
Tiger Trout.png
Tiger Trout Egy ritka és hibrid pisztráng, ami önmagában nem képes megtartani utódját. Fishing
Baked Fish.png
Baked Fish Növényes ágyon megsütött hal. Cooking Sunfish.png Naphal (1)Bream.png Keszeg (1)Wheat Flour.png Búzaliszt (1)
Carp Surprise.png
Carp Surprise Enyhe és olajos. Cooking Carp.png Ponty (4)
Chowder Ez a tökéletes módja annak, hogy egy hideg tengeri éjszakán felmelegítsd magad. Cooking Clam.png Kagyló (1)Milk.png Tej (1)
Crab Cakes.png
Crab Cakes Rák, kenyérmorzsa, és tojás, ami pástétommá van formálva, majd aranybarnára lett sütve. Cooking Crab.png Rák (1)Wheat Flour.png Búzaliszt (1)Egg.png Tojás (1)Oil.png Olaj (1)
Crispy Bass.png
Crispy Bass Váó, a bundája tökéletes. Cooking Largemouth Bass.png Nagyszájú sügér (1)Wheat Flour.png Búzaliszt (1)Oil.png Olaj (1)
Fish Stew.png
Fish Stew Nagyon hasonlít a szaga a tengeréhez. Bár az íze sokkal jobb. Cooking Crayfish.png Folyami rák (1)Mussel.png Éti kagyló (1)Periwinkle.png Parti csiga (1)Tomato.png Paradicsom (1)
Fish Taco.png
Fish Taco Ízletes szaga van. Cooking Tuna.png Tonhal (1)Tortilla.png Tortilla (1)Red Cabbage.png Vörös káposzta (1)Mayonnaise.png Majonéz (1)
Fried Calamari.png
Fried Calamari Annyira rágós. Cooking Squid.png Tintahal (1)Wheat Flour.png Búzaliszt (1)Oil.png Olaj (1)
Fried Eel.png
Fried Eel Olajos, de tele van ízekkel. Cooking Eel.png Angolna (1)Oil.png Olaj (1)
Lobster Bisque.png
Lobster Bisque Ez az ízletes leves Willy titkos családi receptje. Cooking Lobster.png Homár (1)Milk.png Tej (1)
Salmon Dinner.png
Salmon Dinner A rálocsolt citromtól lesz különleges. Cooking Salmon.png Lazac (1)Amaranth.png Amaránt (1)Kale.png Vadkáposzta (1)
Seafoam Pudding.png
Seafoam Pudding Ez a finom puding valóban bevezeti Önt a tengeri gondolkodásmódba! Cooking Flounder.png Lepényhal (1)Midnight Carp.png Éjfél ponty (1)Squid Ink.png Tintahal tinta (1)
Trout Soup.png
Trout Soup Elég sós. Cooking Rainbow Trout.png Szivárvány pisztráng (1)Green Algae.png Zöld alga (1)


„A gift! Thanks.”
Image Name Description Source
Dish O' The Sea.png
Dish O' The Sea Ez melegen tart téged a hideg tengeri levegőn. Cooking
Maki Roll.png
Maki Roll Hal és rizs, ami hínárba van betekerve. Cooking
Sashimi Nyers hal, ami vékony szeletekre van vágva. Cooking

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.

Nem Kedvelt

„Hmmm... You like stuff like this? Huh.”
Image Name Description Source
Willy Concerned.png
Chanterelle Egy ízletes gomba, aminek gyümölcsös szaga és kissé borsos íze van. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Kissé mogyorós, de jó a textúrája. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Egy hagyományos tavaszi virág, ami remek ajándék lehet. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Nem a legszebb virág, de a leveleiből remek salátát lehet készíteni. Foraging - Spring
Ginger Ez az éles, fűszeres gyökér állítólag megnöveli az életerőt. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut Ez ám a hatalmas mogyoró! Foraging - Fall
Holly A levelek és világos vörös bogyók híres téli dekorációvá teszik. Foraging - Winter
Leek A hagymák ízletes rokona. Foraging - Spring
Life Elixir.png
Life Elixir Teljesen visszatölti az életerődet. Crafting
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap Egy nagyon ritka gomba, ami lávatavak közelében nő. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Morel Egyedi diós íze miatt kutatnak utána. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Egy ritka gomba, amit barlangok mélyén lehet megtalálni. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry Egy tavaszi bogyó, aminek erdei íze van. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Ez a kicsi yam a hó alatt bújkált. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Egy fűszeres gyökér, amit tavasszal lehet megtalálni. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Egy merev gumó. Foraging - Winter


„... *sniff*... Well I guess I can toss it into the chum bucket.”
Image Name Description Source
Willy Concerned.png

Filmek és harapnivalók

Fő cikk: Mozi
'It Howls In The Rain'.png It Howls In The Rain

'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture

'Mysterium'.png Mysterium

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World

'The Brave Little Sapling'.png The Brave Little Sapling

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch

'The Zuzu City Express'.png The Zuzu City Express

'Wumbus'.png Wumbus

Love ConcessionLove.png
Salmon Burger.png Salmon Burger
Stardrop Sorbet.png Stardrop Sorbet
Like ConcessionLike.png
Chocolate Popcorn.png Chocolate Popcorn
Fries.png Fries
Ice Cream Sandwich.png Ice Cream Sandwich
Jasmine Tea.png Jasmine Tea
Nachos.png Nachos
Personal Pizza.png Personal Pizza
Popcorn.png Popcorn
Salted Peanuts.png Salted Peanuts
Star Cookie.png Star Cookie
Truffle Popcorn.png Truffle Popcorn
Dislike ConcessionDislike.png
Everything else

Heart Events

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching three hearts with Willy he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Chowder I'd like to share an ol' cooking recipe my pappy used to make. It's important the fish is FRESH.


Five Hearts

Five Hearts.png

After reaching five hearts with Willy he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Escargot I'd like to share an ol' cooking recipe my pappy used to make. It's important the fish is FRESH.


Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter The Beach between 6am and 5:10pm.

Willy greets you outside the Fish Shop. He says he needs your help and asks you to come inside. Once inside, you see Crabs run amok, covering the Fish Shop floor. Before you can do anything to help, Gus enters the Fish Shop and offers to purchase all the crabs, minus a discount for the labor involved. Willy agrees, and Gus gathers the crabs. Afterward, Gus turns to you and says he's going to run a special on Crab Cakes for the next few days (but not to tell Willy). The cutscene ends with Willy saying goodbye to his "sweet ladies" as they are taken away to be killed and cooked.

Gus will sell an unlimited amount of Crab Cakes at the Saloon for data-sort-value="550">Gold.png550g each starting on the day of the cutscene and for 3 days after. Mayor Lewis will comment that he's smelled crab "all afternoon" the day the event is viewed.

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching seven hearts with Willy he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Fish Stew.png
Fish Stew I'd like to share an ol' cooking recipe my pappy used to make. It's important the fish is FRESH.


Nine Hearts

Nine Hearts.png

After reaching nine hearts with Willy he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Lobster Bisque.png
Lobster Bisque I'd like to share an ol' cooking recipe my pappy used to make. It's important the fish is FRESH.




First Meeting

„Ahoy there! It's nice to see young folk movin' in to the valley. It's not very common these days.”


„Ahoy there, [son/lass]. Looks like decent weather for fishing, eh?”
„Have you had much luck in the local waters? You look like you could be a strong angler if you set your mind to it.”
„A true angler has respect for the water... don't you forget that.”
„Some fish come and go with the seasons. Others only come out at night or in the rain.”
„*mumble* *mumble* ...Eh? I would tell you about my thoughts, but it's a fisherman's secret”
„ There are rumors of some very rare fish in these parts... but only an experienced angler could stand a chance against them. You'll need the finest bait you can get if you want a rare fish to bite.”
„If you really want to get the fish biting, make sure you put some bait on your hook.”
„If the local fishing scene got a bit more lively, I might expand the shop's stock.”
„If you purchase a high quality fishing rod, you'll be able to attach bait and tackle to the line. Bait causes fish to bite faster. Tackle can make your job a lot easier when reeling fish in. There are all kinds of tackle, with different perks. They're usually a little flimsy, so don't be surprised if your tackle breaks after a while.”

6+ Hearts

„The ol' Man was a fisherman, you know. I grew up sailing between the fern islands, living from catch to catch. The fishing life is tough, but there's something about it that keeps you goin'.”

8+ Hearts

„How's the fishing life going for ya? I try to fish as often as possible, but it's not easy when you've got a shop to run.”

10+ Hearts

„Hey, it's my skipper, [Player]! I'd give you a discount on bait if I could afford it.”

Egg Festival

„Sometimes I'll hide an egg too well and no one finds it... Well, until summer rolls around. Then the hot air starts to bring out the rotten smell... Hehe.”

Flower Dance

„I should've brought my fishing pole.”

The Luau

„Hi there, [Player]. Taking a breather? To tell you the truth, I'd rather be fishing right now.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

„Most night-fish would be scared of the light... these are strange ones.”

Stardew Valley Fair

„Are you setting up a grange display, [Player]? It's your chance to show off all the good produce from [farm name]!”

Festival of Ice

„Hey, [Player]. Ready for some ice fishing?”
Yes. I'll do my best! (Nincs hatása barátságra.)
"That's the spirit!"
Yes, and I'm going to beat you! (Nincs hatása barátságra.)
"We'll see."
To be honest, no. I'm bad at fishing. (Nincs hatása barátságra.)
"Well, then think of it as good practice!"

Night Market

Winter 15 (at the Stardrop Saloon)

„I can't get me a good night's sleep with that night market going on... eh, but that's okay. I'm flexible.”

Winter 16 (at the Stardrop Saloon)

„Have you been on the deep-sea submarine? The captain's an old friend.”

Winter 17 (at the Stardrop Saloon)

„Ah, nothin' like a hot beverage to wind down after a cold, dark day...”

Feast of the Winter Star

„Do you want to hear the Legend of the Winter Star?”
Yes (Nincs hatása barátságra.)
"In the night sky of winter, there is a bright star only visible from this valley. No one knows why this is... but in times of old people would come from far and wide to see it.*They believed that anyone who laid eyes on the Winter Star would be blessed with good fortune. Some even claim that the mysterious fruit known as Stardrop is connected to the Winter Star in some way."
No thanks (Nincs hatása barátságra.)
"Suit yourself."




  • At one point before the game was released, Willy was named "Dick".
  • It is implied that Willy catches fish for a living. However, the only time the player sees Willy catch a fish is at the Festival of Ice.
  • One Pearl may be obtained from Willy after filling a Fish Pond with 10 Crabs.
  • Even though Willy is the one to send you the recipe for Escargot, he dislikes it as a gift.


  • 1.3.27: Added 6-heart event.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts. Willy now is neutral towards Dish O' The Sea, Maki Roll, and Sashimi. Fixed bug where skipping intro cutscene would not count towards introductions quest.