Ezt a cikket vagy szakaszt nem fordították le teljesen magyarra. Üdvözlünk az oldal fordításával. Utoljára szerkesztette Connorhu 2024-07-10 16:37:05.
„Sam is an outgoing, friendly guy who is brimming with youthful energy. He plays guitar and drums, and wants to start a band with Sebastian as soon as he has enough songs together. However, he does have a habit of starting ambitious projects and not finishing them. Sam is a little stressed about the impending return of his father, who has been away for years due to his line of work.”
Sam is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry. He lives in the southern part of town, just north of the river at 1 Willow Lane.
Sam is an outgoing and energetic young man with a passion for music. He works part-time at JojaMart. In his free time, he plays guitar. Despite his description in Dev Update 12, he does not actually ever play drums. He also skateboards and can be found playing videogames.
Sam can often be found practicing his guitar in his bedroom sometimes with Sebastian. He's also frequently seen outside of his house playing a handheld video game, or attempting skateboard tricks. On weekends he can be found playing pool at The Stardrop Saloon.
He works part-time on Monday and Wednesday at JojaMart (if it is in business), or at the Museum in the Artifacts and Minerals display (if the Community Center has been restored). He frequents the Stardrop Saloon during spring, goes to the beach during summer, and visits the woods west of town in the fall.
When it's raining he'll often stay home all day, or visit the Stardrop Saloon for a few hours.
On the 11th of Fall, he has an appointment at the clinic.
His schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather or certain days of the week.
After the Beach Resort on Ginger Island is unlocked, Sam may randomly spend the day there. After leaving the Island at 6pm, Sam will immediately go home to bed. Sam never visits the Resort on Festival days or his checkup day at Harvey's Clinic.
Below are his schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)
If the community center is restored, Sam doesn't leave The Farm except on Monday and Friday. On Saturday mornings he spends time doing skateboard tricks on the half-pipe behind the farmhouse.
Sam lives with his mother Jodi and younger brother Vincent. His mother spoils both of them, and claims that neither have ever had to do any chores. He is close to Vincent, and feels responsible for him during his dad's absence. In Spring, Year 2, Sam's father Kent returns and resides in the house with the rest of the family. After marriage, Sam will visit his family regularly to check up on them.
Sebastian and Abigail are his bandmates and closest friends, and they often spend time together. When they are hanging out at The Stardrop Saloon, Sebastian is always seen beating Sam at pool, while Abigail watches from the couch. He is also friends with Penny, and will dance with her at the Flower Dance if neither of them is dancing with the player.
Sam két darab ajándékot kaphat hetente (plusz egyet a születésnapján), ami növeli vagy csökkenti barátsági szintet. Ajándék születésnapkor (Nyár 17) 8x annyit ér és egyedi dialógust vált ki.
Szeretett vagy kedvelt ajándékra, Sam azt mondja
„Egy szülinapi ajéndék? Ez nagyon kedves tőled! Imádom.”
„Emlékeztél a szülinapomra! Köszönöm szépen. Ez nagyszerű!”
Apple Slices Black Licorice Cappuccino Mousse Cake Hummus Snack Pack Jasmine Tea JojaCorn Kale Smoothie Panzanella Salad Truffle Popcorn
Everything else
Heart Events
Two Hearts
Enter Sam's house when he's there.
Sam and Sebastian are jamming out in Sam's room. Sam tells you he's trying to get a band together, but he's unsure what style of music to play. He asks what music you like.
"Honky-tonky country music."(No effect barátságra.)
No matter which style you pick, Sam says that's the style he's been thinking about for the band. He asks Sebastian if he's on board too. Sebastian agrees and Sam thanks you.
Note that if you skip this cutscene, Sam's 8-heart cutscene will not have any music playing.
Three Hearts
In any season except winter, enter the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 3pm. This event only happens in Year 1.
Sam is watching his brother Vincent play in the sand. Sam says his dad used to take them to the beach on sunny days. Vincent asks if their father will come home. Sam says "Of course". Vincent mentions overhearing people talk about mass military casualties. Sam tells him not to believe them, and Vincent returns to playing. Sam feels bad for getting his brother's hopes up and asks for your opinion.
"It's best to be honest with kids."(No effect barátságra.) Sam questions your thoughts, but then agrees that kids have to learn about the world one way or another.
"You did the right thing. Kids should have hope."(No effect barátságra.) Sam agrees and says kids should hang on to their childhood as long as they can.
Sam tells you the band's coming together, and Sebastian really wanted Abigail to be the drummer.
Four Hearts
Enter Sam's house when he's there.
Sam is in the kitchen. He says hello. As he's getting you a snack, he drops an egg on the kitchen floor. His mom hears the commotion, walks into the kitchen, and becomes upset about the mess. Sam asks you to tell her what happened.
"Sam dropped the snack as he was handing it to me."(-10 barátságra.)
"Sam handed me the snack and then I dropped it."(+50 barátságra.) Sam agrees with you.
"Sam dropped it on purpose. He thought it would be funny."(-50 barátságra.)
Jodi thanks you for being honest, and Sam insists he'll clean up the mess.
Talking to Sam after this event causes him to say "Sorry about what happened earlier."
Six Hearts
On any day when it's not raining, enter the town between noon and 4pm.
Sam is skateboarding and grinding on Emily and Haley's flower box. Lewis catches him and scolds him for it. Lewis asks for your opinion.
"You're right, sir. Sam should respect private property."(No effect barátságra.) Sam is unhappy, but obliges and says he'll just not skateboard ever again.
"Don't blame Sam. There's nowhere else to ride!"(No effect barátságra.) Sam seems happy and agrees. Mayor Lewis becomes frustrated and states that he thought you were more mature than that but afterwards apologizes to Sam and asks him to be more careful in the future.
"I'm staying out of this."(No effect barátságra.) Mayor Lewis says he doesn't want to see Sam doing it again, Sam agrees and the Mayor leaves. Then Sam turns to you and, with a smile, asks if you saw his rad trick.
Eight Hearts
Sam shows up at your doorstop between 6am and 8am. Only triggers if you've seen his two-heart event.
Sam invites you to see his band play in the city and asks to meet at the bus stop at 4pm. Enter the Bus Stop map between 4PM and 7PM to meet Sam and the others, and watch them play. He thanks you for inspiring his band with the type of music they should play. This heart event does not require the bus to be repaired.
Note that if you have skipped Sam's 2-heart cutscene, no music will play during this heart event.
Additionally, no time will have passed during the heart scene (unlike festivals, which always end the day), so if the Bus Stop map is entered at 4PM, you will return at 4PM as well.
Ten Hearts
After receiving a letter from Sam, enter the town on a sunny day between 8pm and midnight.
You meet Sam outside his house. He says it's cold outside and sneaks you into his room to talk privately. As he admits he's falling for you, his mom knocks on the door. He has you hide in the bed. His mom comes in and asks why he's sweating and red in the face, and Sam says he's just been doing push ups. She wishes him good night and leaves.
You are presented with the option to:
Get out of the bed.(No effect barátságra.) (If you take this option, the game presents the following 2 more choices)
Move Closer.(No effect barátságra.) You return Sam's affections, and the two of you share a kiss.
Head for the window.(No effect barátságra.) You reject Sam's advances.
Stay put.(No effect barátságra.) Sam crawls into bed with you, kisses you, and says "I knew there was something special between us."
Part 1: Enter an upgraded farmhouse (needs to be upgraded at least twice) between 6:10am and 5:00pm, when Sam is inside.
Part 2: Three days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.
Part 3: Three days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.
Part 4: Four days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.
Part 1:
Sam says he feels like he's gotten lazy since moving into the farmhouse and he wants to find some work -- something to do with music.
Part 2:
Sam receives a job offer in the mail, making music for a kids' TV show called "The Happy Junimo Show". He says it's not exactly what he had in mind.
Just think of this as a stepping stone in your career...(No effect barátságra.)
Sam responds "Hmm... Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it."
Just think of how happy you'll make the children!(No effect barátságra.)
Sam responds "I mean... you're right, someone's gotta make children's music. But it's not exactly a 'dream job'..."
Sam responds "Ah well... that's okay. I'll make the best of it, like I always do."
Sam continues by saying "I guess I'd better start 'thinking like a kid'..."
That should be easy for you...(No effect barátságra.)
Sam exclaims "Hey!" while the player giggles.
You could ask your little brother for help!(No effect barátságra.)
Sam says that's not a bad idea and thanks the player for the advice.
Part 3:
Sam is making progress on the song, and plays what he has written so far on an acoustic guitar. He feels positive about the job, and hopes the studio is happy with his song when it's finished.
Part 4:
The player, Vincent, and Jas gather around a TV set in Sam's room in the farmhouse. Sam plays a video of his song. Afterward, he expresses surprise at how much Vincent and Jas love it. He thanks the player for the support and gives a Sam's Boombox so the player can listen to the song anytime.
Once married, Sam will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a half-pipe behind the farmhouse where he'll sometimes go to practice his skateboarding tricks.
On rainy days, Sam may offer you a gift that he found "rolling around in the back of a drawer": Cactus Fruit, Coconut, Earth Crystal, or Geode. On rainy nights, he may offer you Pizza. On days when Sam stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may offer you instant Pancakes, explaining that he never learned to cook.
Sam's room
Sam's half pipe
First Meeting
„Hey, I’m Sam. Good to meet you.”
„Ugh, I stepped in something gross earlier. And I just bought these shoes.”
„Hey, farmer.”
„My Dad is a soldier, fighting against the Gotoro Empire. That's why he's not here.
He'll come back someday.
I've heard some terrible things about the Gotoro Empire...”
„Hmm. I just remembered that I was supposed to do something... But I forgot.
This happens to me all the time.”
„Hey, how's it going?
Last night I practiced guitar for 4 hours straight. My fingers hurt like crazy.
Bye, I've got something to do.”
„Oh, it's a nice day, isn't it?”
„Hey, how's it going?
I'm hungry.
See you later.”
„Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget.
I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things.”
„Hey... something smells good, like pizza.”
„Did you watch the game last night?
Or wait, do you even have a TV set...?”
„The clouds look great this time of year, don't they?
Like scoops of vanilla ice cream floating on blue raspberry sauce... Or maybe I'm just hungry.”
„Sometimes those spring petals that float around make my nose drip.
I like summer best, myself.”
„There's a little less pollen in the summer... my nose is really happy.”
„Hi, [player]. Do you want to hang out or something?
I'm so energized during summer I hardly have to sleep!”
„I saw a spider on my ceiling last night. They sure like the warmth.
I hope he didn't crawl into my mouth while I was asleep...”
„You know... I used to live in the city and I have to admit, this place is much nicer in the summer.
The city is so hot with all that concrete.”
„When you see hot air balloons drifting over the sea, you'll know that summer's in full swing.”
Summer 10
„I don't have to work tomorrow! I've never been so happy.”
„Oh, hi. Are you making friends with anyone in town?
„I like taking walks in the forest this time of year. The temperature is so comfortable.”
„My shoes always seem to wear out this time of year. Look, my toe's poking through!
That's what happens when you skateboard too much.”
„Did you ever notice all the spider webs that appear during the fall?
If you get up early you'll see them covered in dew... like little stars.”
„"Hi [Player]. Hmm.. I wonder if I could grow a cactus in my room?”
(Above 6 hearts)
„I guess I should start thinking about moving out soon...
...But I would miss Mom's fish casserole, so I dunno...
I hate making decisions.”
(Year 1 only)
„I think my Dad might be coming back next year.
I guess that's kind of soon. Weird.”
„It's hard to have fun on Sunday... I keep thinking about having to go to work tomorrow.”
Fall 9
„I ordered a new pair of shoes online. They're the same style so I know they'll fit right.”
Fall 16
„I ordered some shoes online more than a week ago! Man, they're really taking a long time.
I guess we must really live in the middle of nowhere.”
Fall 23
„Ah, my feet feel great in these new shoes. They're a little crisp, but they'll break in. Especially after I run through the haunted maze this weekend.”
„Everyone's indoors during the winter, so I can play guitar as loud as I want.”
„Hi... Cold, isn't it?”
„Hi, [player]. Do you want to hang out or something?
Well, it's a good time of year to catch up on all the sleep I've missed.”
„One thing that's nice about winter... all the mosquitos are gone.”
„The worst thing about the snow is getting your feet soaked. You're lucky in those thick boots.”
„I just remembered I need to change the strings on my guitar.
Okay, I'm going to write a note on my wrist so I remember to do it tonight.
I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things.”
„It would be fun if we could go sledding, wouldn't it?
I don't think there are any good hills nearby.
Plus, I don't have a sled.
So, how have you been doing lately?”
(If Joja is still open)
„I hate working at JojaMart, but how else am I going to make money in this town?”
(If Joja has shut down)
„I'm glad I work at the museum now. It's way more interesting than that depressing JojaMart ever was.”
In His Room
(Upon looking in the trash bin)
„Hey, don't look in there!”
At the Saloon
„Hmm.. if I give the cue ball a bit of a top spin, maybe I could
*Sigh* I'm not very good.”
At Ginger Island
„Wow, what a spot!”
„I bet there's some cool stuff deeper on the island. Willy said we have to stay here, though... some kind of liability issues or something.”
„Check out these gnarly waves... Guess what? I'm gonna save up for a surfboard.”
„Maybe I should learn to play the ukelele. Abby on the congas and Sebastian on the steel drums... 'The Pelicans of Paradise'... #What's the matter, you look worried.”
„I'm just getting juiced up, then it's back to the beach.”
„I'm feeling pretty good from all the sunlight.”
„[Player]. Um... I just wanted to say... You look nice today.”
„I think I’ve grown to like the country more than the city.
Although I could be biased... for a certain reason.”
„I’m going to be really happy as your husband, [Player]. I’m excited.”
„I never dreamed this would happen. I’m so lucky. I can’t wait till the wedding.”
I could've sworn there was someone ahead of me when I went through the maze, though. Where'd they go?”
(Fall 26 / Day Before)
„Tonight, after everyone is asleep, that weird old man who lives in the woods will set up the haunted maze. He always makes sure no one is around to see him working.”
„I'm thankful for my guitar and my skateboard. Oh, and my family I guess.”
(Winter 24 / Day Before)
„The Feast of the Winter Star is supposed to be a time to show gratitude for all the good things in life.
Me? I'm mostly interested in the food. Hehe.”
After Marriage
Indoor Days
„Phew… I’ll tell you one thing I don’t miss about my old life… working at JojaMart.”
„Hey, I made you some instant pancakes. Enjoy. What? I never learned to cook… mom always did that.”
„Hey. I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you…”
„Do you have big plans for the day? Oh, not me. I usually decide what to do a few moments beforehand…"”
„Um… Maybe I’ll help out on the farm some other day. I feel lazy today. You’re not mad?"”
„It's hard to believe we're finally married...”
„There's too much stuff I want to get done today... Maybe I'll just watch TV instead.”
In his side room
„The old guitar... I just don't have the drive to play it anymore. That's fine. What's on your agenda today?”
Outdoor Days
„Maybe I should get some off-road wheels for my skateboard. Mayor Lewis can’t touch me out here.”
„I always keep an eye on the wide blue sky. You never know when a UFO might go by.”
„Hi, [Player]! If I knew more about farm work I’d help you out more. Sorry! I’ll try and help you with encouraging thoughts.”
„Something in the air makes me feel positive… maybe it’s the faint whiff of pizza from Gus’ ovens.”
„Wow… you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm.”
„Hey, look at those puffy clouds in the sky, honey! I'm going to watch those for a while, if you don't mind.”
Indoor Nights
„Hey, you look tired. Let me help you relax tonight, okay? Maybe I’ll give you a massage later.”
„My day? Oh… I can hardly remember. I didn’t really do anything of note. Just relaxed and had a good time.”
„Hey, sorry I didn’t make the bed. You know I’m sloppy… that’s why you like me, right?”
„The only thing I miss about living at home is Mom’s fish casserole.”
„Ready to hit the hay? I actually made the bed for once…”
„I wonder if the moon is visible tonight? So, did you get everything done on the farm today? If you didn't I won't be mad!”
Rainy Days
„Might be a good day to sit back and jam on the guitar… Hey, you can relax too if you want.”
„Do you think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up? Heh… now that I’m married I’m trying to get everyone else married too.”
„Hey, I found one of these rolling around in the back of a drawer. I thought you might be able to use it.”
„Aw, man. These cloudy days are kind of a drag...”
„How’d you sleep? The sound of rain really makes me zonk.”
„I might spend some time today fixing any leaks in the roof or the windows.”
Rainy Nights
„Hey, how was your day? I just layed around and read comics most of the day… it was great.”
„It was a pretty low-key day for me… colas, frozen pizza, a few hours noodling around on the guitar. I feel relaxed.”
„Earlier, I listened to our live recording from that show we played. Remember that? Man, was that sloppy. It made me a little nervous that you were there, I didn’t want to mess up and have you think I was a loser!”
„I hope Vincent’s not too lonely now that I’m gone… I kinda felt responsible for the little guy. But, life’s all about change… right? Kids need to learn that, eventually… Or else adulthood will destroy them.”
„Hey, I tossed a couple frozen pizzas into the oven. Here’s yours.”
„Vincent called. He said he misses me and also to tell you hi.”
In Bed
„Nnnghh... what is it? Make your own breakfast.”
„Nghh... what is it? I'm trying to sleep.”
On Halfpipe
„*Sigh*… I’m never gonna land this trick…”
Going Out
„I’m gonna visit the family today, okay? I’ll be home in the evening.”
(At parent's house)
„Don't tell my mom... but I really just came over for a free lunch.”
„Seeing family is nice, but it’s also kind of depressing in a weird way. Like… our lives are totally separate now, and everything feels more formal than it used to.”
First Child
„I’ll change [First Child]’s diaper… don’t worry about it. You’ve got enough on your plate.”
„It’s weird, but I really like being a father!”
„I think we should have another kid. Why stop now?”
Second Child
„I woke up early, fed the kids and changed their diapers! We’re all set. You can just focus on raking in that sweet money. I’m just kidding… I didn’t marry you for the money.”
„We have to make sure and give [First Child] a lot of attention now that we have [Second Child]. We don’t want any jealousy between them.”
„It’s fun to see the babies playing with each other. I think they’re going to be very close.”
„I never thought I’d become such a family man, but I’m really satisfied with what we’ve built here. Life is going great.”
Good Mood/High Hearts
„Do you ever think of that night we snuck into my room? I do, often…”
„You know, I think I had a feeling we’d be together from the very beginning. There’s just something special between us.”
„Be careful out there! I know you go into the caves sometimes… you could be eaten alive in there!”
„Baby, I was just gonna write you a song on the guitar. But now you’re here and I feel relaxed. I mainly feel like playing guitar when I’m lonely.”
„Baby, talk to me! I’m always interested to hear about your day.”
„Wow, you look really [handsome/stunning] today! Did you do something with your hair?”
„Aw, I gotta put on that dorky suit again? I thought now that we're married... Well, alright.”
„Summer always makes me want to eat more barbecue.”
Summer 1
„The pollen count is a little lower in summer, so my nose is really happy.”
Day before the Luau
„Have you thought about what you're going to put in the soup? It might be funny to put something nasty. You know, play a prank on the governor! Sorry...”
„I feel like I've changed a lot from when we first met... you know? ...you might call it 'maturity'... hehe. But I'm at a place, now, where I'm actually really excited about our future together.. Even if that means just doing normal stuff, like... uh... buying groceries and changing diapers... hah...”
After Divorce
„I'm sorry, [Player]. I don't think I can still be your friend.”
„I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking... Hey.. What do you think my new song should be about?”
Farming, mining and chopping wood.(+30 barátságra.)
Sam responds: "Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Sam's look evolved over the years the game was in development.
Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Sam's style changed over the years before the game was launched.
Sam is allergic to pollen, which he mentions during the Egg Festival. He also mentions that his "nose is really happy" during summer due to the typically lower pollen count.
"Sam" is short for "Samson", which he reveals to the player once they have a good relationship with him. He also states that he doesn't want the player to tell anyone.
"Sam" is a unisex given name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God has heard". Other meanings are "Sun child" or "bright sun".
Sam's dialogue is less harsh than other NPCs when the player rummages through garbage cans. Instead of being disgusted, he just asks the player why they're searching through the trash. It still costs the player 25 friendship points, however.
On Sam's portraits, his undershirt is yellow, but in his sprite, it is red.
Sam's Old Guitar is a weapon in the game, but is currently unobtainable.
Sam used to live in Zuzu City. He recalls how bright and loud it is day and night, and how hot it is during summer.
Sam's hairstyle is reminiscent of a Super Saiyan of Dragon Ball Z, more specifically Super Saiyan 2.