
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Margotbean (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2024. június 17., 15:28-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Margotbean átnevezte a(z) Hal Bolt lapot a következő névre: Halbolt: v1.6 updated translation)
Fish Shop.png
Nyitvatartás: 9am to 5pm
Zárva: Non-rainy Saturdays (Building Open, no sales)

Willy Icon.png Willy

Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

Hiányos fordítás

Ezt a cikket vagy szakaszt nem fordították le teljesen magyarra. Üdvözlünk az oldal fordításával.
Utoljára szerkesztette Margotbean 2024-06-17 15:28:39.

The Fish Shop is the home of Willy. It's located on the docks of The Beach south of Pelican Town. If the player has not read the letter from Willy sent on Spring 2, then the shop cannot be entered. Although the door will unlock on Saturdays, the shop will be closed unless it is raining.

Willy sells a variety of fishing-related supplies, including rods, bait, tackle, fish tanks, and crab pots. Some items, such as tackles, become available once the player reaches a specific fishing level. Those items can be purchased as soon as the appropriate skill level is achieved, without needing to wait until the next day. Other items, such as the Copper Pan and the Deluxe Fish Tank, require the player to complete specific tasks to become available.


The following items are available as soon as the Fish Shop is open: Trout Soup, Bamboo Pole, Training Rod, Small Fish Tank, Large Fish Tank, and Fisher Double Bed.

Item Description Price   Fishing Level Required
  Pisztráng leves Elég sós. data-sort-value="250"> 250g N/A
  Csali Segítségével a halak gyorsabban harapnak. Előbb egy horgászbotra kell helyezni. data-sort-value="5"> 5g 2
  Rákvarsa Rakd a vízbe, töltsd meg csalival, és nézd meg másnap, hogy fogtál-e valamit. Folyókban, tavakban és óceánokban is működik. data-sort-value="1500"> 1 500g 3
  Műcsali Az alakja miatt pörög a vízben. Kissé megnöveli horgászás közben a halak harapási esélyét. data-sort-value="500"> 500g 6
  Csapda úszó A halak lassabban menekülnek el, mikor épp nem tekered be őket. data-sort-value="500"> 500g 6
  Ólom úszó Súlyt ad a "horgászós csíkodhoz" így nem fog az alján pattogni. data-sort-value="200"> 200g 6
  Kincsvadász A halak nem menekülnek el, ha épp kincsre vadászol. Továbbá kissé megnöveli a kincstalálási esélyt. data-sort-value="750"> 750g 7
  Parafa úszó Kissé megnöveli a "horgászós csíkod" méretét. data-sort-value="750"> 750g 7
  Éles kampó A fogásodat jobban bebiztosítja, így a "horgászós csík" rátapad a fogásodra. A lassú, gyenge halakkal működik igazán. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000g 8
  Díszes műcsali A fémes és színes része remekül csalogatja magához a halakat. Megnöveli horgászás közben a halak harapási esélyét. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000g 8
  Mágnes Megnöveli horgászás közben a kincstalálási esélyt. Sajnos a halak nincsenek oda az ízéért. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000g 9
  Bamboo Pole Használd a vízben, hogy halakat fogj ki. data-sort-value="500"> 500g N/A
  Fiberglass Rod Használd a vízben, hogy halakat fogj ki. data-sort-value="1800"> 1 800g 2
  Iridium Rod Használd a vízben, hogy halakat fogj ki. data-sort-value="7500"> 7 500g 6
  Training Rod Sokkal könnyebb használni mint a többi botot, de csak alap halakat képes kifogni. data-sort-value="25"> 25g N/A
  Copper Pan Segítségével érceket gyűjthetsz a folyókból. data-sort-value="2500"> 2 500g N/A
  Nagy haltartály Ez a házadba is helyezhető. data-sort-value="2000"> 2 000g N/A
  Kicsi haltartály Ez a házadba is helyezhető. data-sort-value="500"> 500g N/A
  Luxus haltartály Ez a házadba is helyezhető. data-sort-value="5000"> 5 000g N/A
  Horgász dupla ágy Ez a házadba is helyezhető. data-sort-value="25000"> 25 000g N/A


Willy will buy the following items from the player: All Fish, Bait, Tackle, Beach Forageables (except Seaweed), Roe, and Squid Ink.[1]

He will not buy any other catchable items (Trash, Green Algae, Seaweed, or White Algae). He will also not buy Aged Roe or Caviar.

Player-Derived Stock

If the player chooses to sell items to Willy, there is a chance they will appear in the list of items for sale, especially if sold to Willy in large quantity. Any of these items will be available for purchase in limited quantities. Additional villager dialogues may appear indicating they've seen or purchased the items.

Willy Hajója

Anytime after Summer 1 of year 1, and after completing the Community Center Bundles or viewing the Joja Warehouse completion cutscene, entering the Fish Shop (with or without Willy present) will trigger a "teaser" cutscene. In the cutscene, Willy chats with the player about their fishing progress, then mentions that business at the Fish Shop could be better. Willy says that he is working so hard, he has no time for his own projects. He says he has an "old friend" in the back who has seen better days. Willy then hints that if business picks up, he will show the player what he has in the back room.

Willy and Robin put the Ginger Island boat back into operation.

Willy then mails the player an invitation to come to the back room of his shop. Upon entering the back room, the player finds a dock with an old boat that needs repair. The boat can provide transportation to and from Ginger Island at a ticket price of data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000g, but Willy does not have the materials needed for repairs.

To repair the boat, the player must provide:

Once the player makes all 3 boat repairs, the game generates an overnight cutscene in which Willy and Robin work to restore the boat. Note that this cutscene is delayed a day if another overnight cutscene is scheduled for the same night.

Starting the day after viewing the boat repair cutscene with Willy & Robin, the player can buy a boat ticket in the back room. The Fish Shop door also unlocks at 8am instead of 9am. Willy's own schedule does not change. He pilots the boat, but he becomes available automatically whenever the player purchases a ticket and doesn't need to be in the shop beforehand.

By fishing inside the boat room, there is a 20% chance to catch a Lifesaver.[2]


  • Interacting with the ladder at the back of the shop results in a message that suggests Willy lives upstairs.
  • If the player attempts to enter the Fish Shop on Spring 1, Year 1, a note on the door says "Gone Fishing, be back tomorrow".


  1. See ShopMenu::setUpStoreForContext, case FishShop, in the game code.
  2. See BoatTunnel::getFish in the game code.
