„Haley” változatai közötti eltérés

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1 178. sor: 1 178. sor:
Haley responds: "Get away from me, you stupid jerk!"
Haley responds: "Get away from me, you stupid jerk!"
*Haley may randomly request an item at the [[Quests#Help Wanted Quests|"Help Wanted" board]] outside [[Pierre's General Store]].  The reward is 3x the item's base value and 150 [[Friendship]] points.
*Haley may randomly request an item at the [[Küldetések#Felhívás-küldetések|„Felhívás” board]] outside [[Pierre's General Store]].  The reward is 3x the item's base value and 150 [[Friendship]] points.

A lap 2024. július 10., 15:54-kori változata


Szülinap Spring.png Tavasz 14
Itt lakik Pelikán Város
Cím Fűzfa köz 2

Emily Icon.png Emily (Nővér)

Házasodhat Igen
Klinika látogatás Winter.png Tél 9
Kedvencek Fruit Salad.png GyümölcssalátaCoconut.png KókuszdióSunflower.png NapraforgóPink Cake.png Rózsaszín torta
Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

Hiányos fordítás

Ezt a cikket vagy szakaszt nem fordították le teljesen magyarra. Üdvözlünk az oldal fordításával.
Utoljára szerkesztette Connorhu 2024-07-10 15:54:41.

„A középiskola alatti gazdagság és hírnév egy kicsit beképzeltté és önzővé tette Haley-t. Hajlamos felszínes dolgokból következtetéseket levonni. De már túl késő lenne neki, hogy felfedezze az élet mélyebb értelmét? Vajon rejtőzik-e egy szórakoztató, nyitott-elméjű fiatal nő abban a cukormázas burokban?”
Dev Update #12

Haley egy falusi, aki Pelikán Városban él. Ő egyike a 12 karakternek, akivel házasodni lehet.


A viselkedése változik attól függően, hogy esik, vagy havazik. Ha esik, nem fog kedden és vasárnap a szökőkúthoz menni.

A háza általában 9-től 20-ig van nyitva. Ha ő bent van, míg a ház zárva van és te nem vagy bent, Haley elérhetetlen lesz számodra.

Spring.png Tavasz


Time Location
9:00 AM A szobájában
10:00 AM Elhagyja a szobáját és a konyhába megy
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the river south of Marnie's Ranch
12:20 PM By the river south of Marnie's Ranch, taking pictures
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
12:30 PM Leaves house to stand by the fountain
4:30 PM Leaves fountain to go home
5:30 PM Arrives home
5:50 PM Stands in kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed
Summer.png Nyár


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
4:40 PM In the kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed
Fall.png Ősz


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:20 AM In kitchen
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the river south of Marnie's Ranch
12:20 PM By the river south of Marnie's Ranch, taking pictures
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
4:40 PM In the kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Time Location
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed
Winter.png Tél


Time Location
10:30 AM Get off bed
12:00 PM Goes to Kitchen
1:00 PM In kitchen
7:00 PM Leaves Room


Time Location
11:00 AM In her Room
12:00 PM Goes to Kitchen
5:10 PM In Kitchen
8:00 PM In Living room


Time Location
10:00 AM Her Room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:00 PM Returns to her room


Time Location
10:30 AM Gets up from bed
12:00 PM Leaves Room, goes to Kitchen
4:00 PM Leaves Kitchen, goes to her room


Time Location
10:30 AM Get off bed
12:00 PM Go in the kitchen
4:00 PM Goes to her room
7:00 PM Leaves Room


Time Location
9:00 AM Her Room
12:00 PM Leaves Room, Goes to Kitchen
4:00 PM Leaves Kitchen, Goes to Her Room
7:00 PM Leaves Room, in Living Room
10:00 PM Goes to Bed


Time Location
12:00 PM Moves from Bedroom to Kitchen
2:00 PM In Kitchen
5:00 PM In Her Bedroom
7:00 PM Leaves Bedroom, In Living Room


Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and stands by her dresser in her bedroom.
11:30 AM Moves to the vanity in her bedroom.
12:00 PM Leaves her room to go to the kitchen.
4:00 PM Returns to her room.
7:00 PM Leaves her room and stands in the living room.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Winter 9th

Time Location
11:30 AM Harvey's Clinic
4:00 PM Walks home

Winter 16th

Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and stands by her dresser in her bedroom.
11:30 AM Moves to the vanity in her bedroom.
12:00 PM Leaves her room to go to the kitchen.
4:30 PM Attends the Night Market.
12:00 AM Returns home.
Mermaid's Pendant.png Házasság


Time Location
6:00 AM At Home
9:30 AM Start Leaving Home
10:40 PM Arrive Willow Lane
3:40 PM Start Leaving Willow Lane
5:00 PM Go back Home
10:00 PM Goes to bed


Haley a testvérével, Emilyvel él a szülei házában, akik a világ körül utazgatnak az utóbbi két évben. Haley barátja Alex.


Fő cikk: Barátság
Lásd még: Összes ajándék listája

Haley két darab ajándékot kaphat hetente (plusz egyet a születésnapján), ami növeli vagy csökkenti barátsági szintet. Ajándék születésnapkor (Spring.png Tavasz 14) 8x annyit ér és egyedi dialógust vált ki.
Szeretett vagy kedvelt ajándékra, Haley azt mondja

„Emlékeztél a szülinapomra? Le vagyok nyűgözve. Köszönöm.”
„Oh, Ma van a szülinapom? Azt hiszem igen. Köszönöm. Ez kedves tőled.”

Normál ajándékra, Haley azt mondja

„A szülinapomra? Köszönöm.”

Nem kedvelt vagy utált ajándékra, Haley azt mondja

„Szülinapom van és te ezt adod nekem? Ez valami vicc?”


„Ó egek, ez a kedvencem!!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Haley Happy.png
Coconut Egy kókuszpálma magja. Főleg étkezési célokra használják. Foraging - Desert
Fruit Salad.png
Fruit Salad A nyári gyümölcsök ízletes kombinációja. Cooking Blueberry.png Kék áfonya (1)Melon.png Dinnye (1)Apricot.png Sárgabarack (1)
Pink Cake.png
Pink Cake Kicsi, szív alakú sütik vannak a tetején. Cooking Melon.png Dinnye (1)Wheat Flour.png Búzaliszt (1)Sugar.png Cukor (1)Egg.png Tojás (1)
Sunflower Gyakori tévhit, hogy a virág forog, hogy így mindig a Nap felé nézzen. Farming


„*meghökken* ...ez az enyém? Köszönöm!”
Image Name Description Source
Haley Happy.png
Daffodil Egy hagyományos tavaszi virág, ami remek ajándék lehet. Foraging in Spring


„Köszönöm. Szeretem az ajándékokat.”
Image Name Description Source

Nem Kedvelt

„Uhh ...ez egy olyan ostoba ajándék.”
Image Name Description Source
Haley Concerned.png
Chanterelle Egy ízletes gomba, aminek gyümölcsös szaga és kissé borsos íze van. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Kissé mogyorós, de jó a textúrája. Foraging - Fall
Dandelion Nem a legszebb virág, de a leveleiből remek salátát lehet készíteni. Foraging - Spring
Ginger Ez az éles, fűszeres gyökér állítólag megnöveli az életerőt. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut Ez ám a hatalmas mogyoró! Foraging - Fall
Holly A levelek és világos vörös bogyók híres téli dekorációvá teszik. Foraging - Winter
Leek A hagymák ízletes rokona. Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap Egy nagyon ritka gomba, ami lávatavak közelében nő. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Morel Egyedi diós íze miatt kutatnak utána. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Egy ritka gomba, amit barlangok mélyén lehet megtalálni. Foraging - The Mines
Quartz Egy tiszta kristály, amit gyakran lehet találni barlangokban és bányákban. Foraging - Mines
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Ez a kicsi yam a hó alatt bújkált. Foraging - Winter
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Egy merev gumó. Foraging - Winter

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


Image Name Description Source
Haley Concerned.png
Clay Barkácsolásban és építészetben használható. Tilling
Prismatic Shard.png
Prismatic Shard Egy nagyon ritka és erős, ismeretlen eredetű anyag. Mining
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Egy fűszeres gyökér, amit tavasszal lehet megtalálni. Foraging - Spring

Filmek és harapnivalók

Fő cikk: Mozi
Egyik sem
'The Brave Little Sapling'.png A Bátor Kis Csemete

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png A Hűvöscsillag Tanya Csodája

'The Zuzu City Express'.png A Zuzu Város Expressz

'It Howls In The Rain'.png Az Esőben Üvölt

'Mysterium'.png Mysterium

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Természeti Csodák: Fedezzük fel élénk világunkat

Nem Kedvelt
'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Journey Of The Prairie King: A Film

'Wumbus'.png Wumbus

Szeretett ConcessionLove.png
Stardrop Sorbet.png Csillaghulló sörbet
Cappuccino Mousse Cake.png Kapuccsinó habos torta
Nem Kedvelt ConcessionDislike.png
Black Licorice.png Fekete medvecukor
Joja Cola (large).png Joja Cola
JojaCorn.png JojaRica
Nachos.png Nachos
Popcorn.png Pattogatott kukorica
Salted Peanuts.png Sós mogyoró
Fries.png Sültkrumpli
Truffle Popcorn.png Szarvasgombás pattogatott kukorica
Personal Pizza.png Személyes pizza
Kedvelt ConcessionLike.png
Minden más

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Haley and Emily's home when they're both there.

Haley and Emily are fighting about cleaning under the couch cushions when you arrive. Emily is upset that Haley refuses to clean the cushions. Haley says she cleaned them last week, and Emily thinks Haley is being childish. You're tasked with resolving the conflict.
  • "Stop whining and just clean it!" (-50 barátságra.) Haley angrily storms off and Emily cleans the cushions.
  • "Haley, why not have this be your one weekly job?" (+30 barátságra.) Both agree, though Haley isn't ecstatic about it.
  • "Emily, take the high road and do it this time." (-30 barátságra.) Haley is upset that you implied she's being childish. Emily cleans the cushions.

Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Enter Haley's home when she's there.

Haley is struggling to open a jar, and asks for your help.

After opening the jar, Haley says you're stronger than you look. The next day, she'll usually have dialogue about having found a tool to help her open jars.

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Go to the beach between 10 AM and 4 PM during any season except Winter.

You find Haley grieving after losing her great-grandmother's bracelet.

The bracelet is located to the right of Elliott's cabin behind a shrub. After returning the bracelet, Haley hugs you and says she won't forget what you've done.

Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

On a sunny day during any season except Winter, enter Cindersap Forest between 10 AM and 4 PM.

You meet Haley at Marnie's ranch as she's taking photos. She asks you to take some pictures with her, and asks how to approach a cow. She climbs on one, falls off and gets covered in dirt. Haley giggles and leaves to take a shower.

The next morning, Haley will write you a letter that says:


I thought it would be fun to write you a note.
I had so much fun with the cows yesterday... I'm
starting to understand why you chose the farmer's
life! Hope to see you soon.

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

Enter Haley's house when she's there.

Haley shows you her dark room for developing photos.

Haley asks what you want to do now.

  • Offer to help decorate the dark room. (No effect barátságra.) Ends the scene and disappoints Haley.
  • Make an excuse and leave. (No effect barátságra.)
  • Try to kiss her. (No effect barátságra.) Haley responds, "Oh, <your name>... I've been waiting so long for you to do that. One moment..." She flips a switch, the room goes mostly black except where you and Haley are standing, and you both lean in close for a kiss as the cutscene ends. If you talk to her immediately after the cutscene, she says "That was nice" with her red/blushing portrait.

Group Ten-Heart Event

Ten Hearts.png

Since her ten-heart event also triggers at her home, the two events will happen together.

Ha a játékos nincs megházasodva és minden szingli lánynak adott virágcsokrot és minden szingli lánnyal elért 10 szívet, ráadásul látta az összes szingli lány 10 szíves eseményét, majd belép a Fűzfa köz 2be, akkor egy eseményt fog elindítani. Ha Haley az utolsó, akinek nem látta a játékos a 10 szíves eseményét, akkor a házba való belépéskor előbb az ő eseménye fog lejátszódni, majd azonnal a közös.

Ha a játékosnak van az eszköztárában egy nyúlláb, akkor a bejátszás Lewis és Marnie szerelméről fog szólni.

Ha a játékosnál nincs nyúlláb, akkor az összes lány ideges lesz, és arról beszélnek, hogy egyszerre mindenkivel randizik a játékos. Úgy döntenek végül, hogy 1 hétig ignorálják a játékost. Ilyenkor nem fogadnak el ajándékot, illetve nem beszélnek a játékossal. Körülbelül egy hét múlva minden visszaáll a normális kerékvágásba.

Ez az esemény minden mentésen csak egyszer történhet meg. Nem történik meg, ha a játékos házas, vagy egy hervadt virágcsokrot vagy egy Sellő talizmánt az egyik lánynak.

Tizennégy szív

Fourteen Hearts.png

Part 1: Enter town between 8am and 3pm on a day that's not raining.
Part 2: At least one day later, enter the Farm House between 6:20am and 5pm.
Part 3: Enter Pelican Town with a chocolate cake in inventory between 6am and 3pm on a day that's not raining.

Part 1:
On her way to her house, Haley overhears a conversation between Vincent, Jas, and Penny. Jas complains about her math book cover falling off, and Penny notices that all her books are falling apart. Penny says "new books are expensive, so we'll just have to make do with what we have..." Vincent asks "Does this mean I don't have to do my homework?" The scene ends with Haley saying "I've been thinking about cake a lot lately...".

Part 2:

Haley says she wants to get everyone together for a charity cake-walk in town on the next sunny day, and explains that it's kind of like musical chairs but everyone gets cake. She asks the player to bring a Chocolate Cake.

Haley replies "Great! I'll meet you in the town square tomorrow, weather permitting."

Haley replies "What's up with the snarky attitude? Fine. You're going to show up tomorrow with a chocolate cake, or else you're in the dog house. You like that better?"

Haley says she's bringing Pink Cake, and the "Haley tortasétája" quest is added to the Journal.

Part 3:

Most of the villagers are gathered in the town square, with Jas, Vincent, Pam, Emily, Caroline, Marnie, Jodi, and Clint participating in the cakewalk. After the player delivers the chocolate cake to Haley, she stops the cakewalk and begins to distribute the prizes, with Pam receiving the player's cake.

After all the prizes have been given, Haley reveals that she overheard Penny's conversation, and held the cakewalk to raise money for new books. Penny is grateful to both Haley and the player for their kindness. Jas is excited and Vincent is crestfallen at the prospect of new books. Robin then tries to convince Lewis to lower their business tax since education is being funded without tax money, and Pierre joins her against a shocked Lewis.


Fő cikk: Marriage

Once married, Haley will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, she will add her own room to the right of the bedroom. She'll also set up a small garden behind the farmhouse where she'll sometimes go to take pictures.

On rainy mornings, Haley may offer you something sweet for breakfast: Cookie, Blueberry Tart, Pancakes, Poppyseed Muffin, or Maple Bar. On mornings when Haley stays inside the farmhouse all day, she may offer you Fried Egg, Omelet, Hashbrowns, Pancakes, or Bread for breakfast. On rainy nights she may offer you dinner: Chowder, Eggplant Parmesan, Bean Hotpot, or Parsnip Soup.



First meeting

„Oh... you're that new farmer [boy/girl], aren't you? Huh? Oh... I'm Haley. Hmm... If it weren't for those horrendous clothes you might actually be [cute/pretty]. Actually, nevermind.”


„This town is so small. It sucks. I have to drive, like, twenty miles to buy any decent clothes. That's why I usually just order online. What?”
„The only thing I like about this town is the beach.”
„*sigh* I could really go for a cupcake right now. Do you need something?”
„I’ve decided I am going to organise my clothes today. I'll have to throw out all of last year's styles to make room for the new ones!”
„Don't you get tired of running around on that farm all day, or whatever it is you do? I couldn't stand getting all dirty like that. You probably get a nice tan, though.”
„I'm feeling an urge to go shopping. Ugh! I wish there was a mall here.”
„My sister is so weird. Sometimes I wonder if we're actually related.”
„Did you know that my sister hates [item]? She finds it absolutely revolting. I guess everyone has their hang-ups.”

If Female

„Nice makeup. Wait... Are you even wearing any? I'm bored.”

If Male

„Nice shoes. Are those made out of plastic? I'm bored.”

If sold crops to Pierre

„Emily tried to serve me [adjective] [item] for dinner last night... I threw it away when she wasn't looking. I don't like health food...”

Rainy Day

„I spent all morning doing my hair... now the rain could mess it up. *sigh* ... Life is hard sometimes.”

6+ hearts:

„I need a new hobby other than shopping. I've decided to expand my horizons. Maybe I should learn to play the mini-harp?”
„I used to complain about this town being so small, but I've grown to like it. If it was much bigger it wouldn't feel like a community.”
„I cooked dinner last night. It actually turned out okay! But I did make a huge mess in the kitchen...”
„I'm thinking about donating a bunch of clothes... I must have a hundred pairs of shoes.”

8+ hearts:

„There are only two things I like about this town. One of them is the beach. The other one is a secret! *giggle*”
„Yesterday I found a seagull with her wing caught in a net. I set her free, of course. She looked so helpless, the poor thing.”
„You know, I should probably start exercising more... this youthful metabolism won't last forever.”


„I wonder if any nice shells washed up on the beach this morning? This isn't the best time of year for shells, though.”
„I'm glad that the flowers are starting to bloom. Those pink ones smell so good.”


„I'm going to get such a nice tan this summer.”
„Ew, you're all dirty.”
„Um... Yes? I didn't hear you, I'm thinking about something else.”
„If you stay in the sun a lot it'll make your hair lighter. It's a good thing to know!”
„I wonder what Alex is doing today... Huh? I didn't notice you standing there.”
„Emily usually cooks dinner... But she makes weird stuff like quinoa.”
„Do you wear those clothes every day?”
„There's not a cloud in the sky today.”
„It's so hot today! I wish I had some ice cream.”
„I spent 3 hours practicing my signature today. I guess that's pretty silly, huh?”

6+ hearts:

„If you stay in the sun a lot it will make your hair lighter... But you don't want to get sunburnt, either. I just want a healthy amount of sunlight. Everything in moderation, right?”
„I should start reading some books instead of magazines. It's good to learn things, isn't it? I only ever look at the pictures.”
„I talked to my sister for a while last night. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. You know, Emily's not actually that weird. I guess we have more in common than I used to think. Don't tell her I said so.”
„It's a nice day to go swimming.”

8+ hearts:

„I guess living in the country isn't so bad. If I lived in the city I might start to miss all the trees. [Player], I think I've been hanging out with you too much.”

If player has seen Haley's four heart scene:

„Hey I found this new tool to open jars with. So you won't need to help me anymore.”


„It's fall already?”
„It's gross when all these fallen leaves get slimy.”
„Hmm... Something smells weird... You've been working on the farm, huh?”
„Oh, hi. Did you want something?”
„I feel the urge to go shopping. *sigh*”
„Is that a grass stain on your knee? Sorry, I'm allergic to grass.”
„I've never been to the forest. It's muddy and I could get a blister on my foot.”
„Something smells earthy... Oh, right. You work on a farm.”
„You look like you've been doing a lot of hard work. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?”
„If you're ever bored, come say hi.”

6+ hearts:

„Shopping just doesn't sound as fun as it used to. What's happening to me? Hmm...”
„See this bracelet? It belonged to my great-grandmother. She was a really interesting lady.”
„I've never been to the forest, you know. It might be interesting to explore it some day.”

If player has seen Haley's 6 Heart Event

„Did I ever tell you I found another one of my great-grandma's bracelets in the attic? She was a really interesting lady.”

8+ hearts:

„I'm starting to like the smell of dirt. Isn't that weird? I think it's because you're around all the time.”


„I want to move somewhere warmer.”
„Hi. Do you need something from me?”
„Hmm. What brand is your shirt? Oh. Um, nevermind.”
„I wish someone would bring me a peppermint coffee. Don't even bother, I know you won't be able to make one.”
„I'm going to start writing a list of all the clothes I need for next spring.”
„Do you have a pony on your farm? Oh. That's disappointing...”
„The only good thing about winter is that I get to sleep more. I like at least 10 hours of sleep every night.”
„Will you say hi to Alex for me? Thanks.”
„Your name is [Player], right? I keep forgetting.”
„Hi [Player]. Is anything exciting happening on your farm?”

6+ hearts:

„I think I'm starting to realize that clothes aren't the most important thing. Right?

I still like clothes, though. I mean, what's wrong with expressing yourself a little?”

„Maybe I'll donate some of my skirts to a charity this spring.

I mean, I do have over 1,000 skirts. ...what?”

„Um, if you see Alex could you tell him I'm busy today? Thanks.”

8+ hearts:

„I wish it were warmer here in Stardew Valley. I could move somewhere else, but...”
„Do you think you'll ever have a pony on your farm?”
„I'm glad you have less work to do in the winter. It must be nice to have a break, huh”

Dating / 10 Hearts:

„[Player], can we go on a camping trip someday? The most exotic place I've been is Zuzu city.”
„Do you have baby bunnies on your farm? Bunnies are SO cute!”
„Oh, hi [Player]! Do you like kids?”
„[Player], I'm happy to see you today.”
„[Player], you look [rugged/pretty] today. I like it.”

When engaged

„I'm so happy! It's just like I always dreamed.”
„It's okay. I know we can't have a honeymoon, since your farm needs to be taken care of. I'm a farmer now, too!”

After Group 10 Heart Event

„I've got nothing to say to you!”
„Alright, alright... I'm done giving you the cold shoulder. Just promise me you'll never, ever lie to me again.”

Egg Festival

„This festival is alright... but what I'm really looking forward to is the Flower Dance.”

If married:

„I was going to eat some eggs, but then I remembered I'm on a spring diet.”

Flower Dance

„I'm practicing my dance moves... It needs to be perfect. I've been flower queen for the past 5 years and I'm not ready to step off the throne just yet!”

(asked to be dance partner, refused request.)

„Ew... No.”

The Luau

„I would dance, but I don't want to get sweaty.”

If married:

„Phew... I'm afraid to move, or else I might start to sweat.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

„I should've brought my camera! I always forget.”

Stardew Valley Fair

„Have you been to the fortune teller? She set up her stand in the graveyard.

I already saw her... she told me something.., interesting. *giggle*”

If married:

„Did you remember to bring good stuff for our grange display? I hope we win this year”

Spirit's Eve

„Eek! I'm too scared.”

If married:

„I get scared easily... I think I'm just going to stay right here.”

Festival of Ice

„I guess Winter isn't all bad... playing in the snow can be fun!”

If married:

„Brr... my hands are freezing from making this snowman.”

Feast of the Winter Star

„I hope there's a new camera for me under the spirit tree!”

If married:

„Me?... Oh, I'm thankful for... how about I just show you when we get home tonight?”
After Marriage 

Indoor Days

„Good morning! Did you sleep well? I think I might break out the old camera today... the lighting is just perfect.”
„Good morning, dear! Smells good, doesn't it? I made you breakfast! I know you're busy with your work. I'm here to support you in any way I can!”
„Did you sleep okay? You were snoring a little. I've got some chores to do in here. Have a good day.”
„I'm glad I've learned to enjoy cleaning! The house gets dirty very easily. It's satisfying to get everything squeaky clean. Can I have a kiss before you leave?”
„Good morning, dear. Another day of farm chores, huh? I'll be thinking of you.”
„I felt like I had no direction in life before I met you. Now I have exactly what I want.”

Outdoor Days

„I always feel best when I'm outside, breathing fresh air... Don't get me wrong, your grandpa's old cottage is very nice! But nothing beats this beautiful landscape.”
„We've got to make sure the farm is cute! That might be important... right, honey?”
„Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry! I'll be thinking of you.”
„I'm just going to do some dusting over here. That should help you out, right*phew*... it's hot out here.”
„Don't overwork yourself, dear. Make sure and take a break every now and then, or get something to eat.”
„Looks like a good day to work on my tan, don't you think, sweetheart?”

On patio

„Say 'goat cheese'!”

Indoor Nights

„You look like you've been working hard, dear. Let me help you de-stress.”

Rainy Days

„I've changed a lot over the years, but I still prefer sunny weather.”
„Sometimes I daydream about our retirement... relaxing on the sunny beaches of the Fern Islands! Do you ever think about the future, [Player]?”
„I can't go outside today... my hair will go limp. Forgive me, dear. I want to look my best for you.”
„Are you going out in this weather? Just make sure to wipe your boots on the way back in, honey. I'll just stay here and do some housework.”
„Oh no... If this weather keeps up I'll get so pale!”

Giving food

„Good morning! I got up early and baked something sweet for you! I know you're strong, but you still need to eat well to stay at your best!”

Rainy Nights

„Oh, I'm glad you're back. It's so cold in here by myself... Are you almost ready to shut off the lights?”
„I hope it's nice and sunny tomorrow morning. Too much rain can make me moody.”
„Rain is horrible for a photographer. The lighting is awful, and you can't go outside without ruining your equipment!”
„I hope Emily isn't too lonely all by herself. I should visit her again soon.”
„I never thought I'd say this, but the country lifestyle really suits me.”
„Hi, honey. I'm so glad you're home. I was starting to get kind of lonely.”

Giving food

„I made a hot meal for you, honey. Lots of spice, just how you like it. Enjoy!”

Going out

„I'm going to socialize in town for a bit today.”
„It was nice seeing everyone in town. Did you have a good day, dear?”

After having one child

„Isn't it strange? I'm not used to being a mother.”

After having two children

„Isn't [Second Child] a very good-looking baby?”
„A big house, two kids, and a beautiful plot of land. I'm not sure what else I could ask for.”


„Aren't you glad winter's over, honey? Things seem more hopeful now.”

Spring 1

„Now that winter's over, we've got lots of sunny weather to look forward to. I'm excited.”

Spring 2

„So, what are we planting this season?”


„I love watching the fireflies on a hot summer's night. It's the closest I'll ever come to visiting the stars.”

Summer 3

„Sorry if I don't look my best... the air is just so humid that my hair doesn't hold up too well.”

The Luau

„Phew... I'm afraid to move, or else I might start to sweat.”

Summer 15

„It's summer... that means the house is full of flies and ants... yuck.”


„Even though I prefer summer, fall might be the best season to take pictures. Those long, low shadows...”

Fall 1

„Fall is kind of sad for me... everything is dying.”

Fall 2

„I already miss summer...”

Stardew Valley Fair

„Did you remember to bring good stuff for our grange display? I hope we win this year.”

Spirit's Eve

„I get scared easily... I think I'm just going to stay right here.”


„I was just thinking about the time you helped me open a jar of pickles. Remember that? We've come a long way since then.”

Winter 2

„For some reason, the snowy weather gives me cravings for pink cake...”

Festival of Ice

„Brr... my hands are freezing from making this snowman.”

Winter 14

„My skin feels so dry in this weather.”

Feast of the Winter Star

„Me?... Oh, I'm thankful for... how about I just show you when we get home tonight?”

After Divorce

„I'll really be fine on my own... but thanks for the memories, [Player].

Why are you still clinging to me? Go live your own life.”


Summer, Saturday

„Farming sounds sooo boring... What do you even do all day?”

Haley responds: "Hmm... sounds like a lot of work."

Haley responds: "Hmm... sounds like a lot of work."

Haley responds: "What?! You'd better not be doing that!"

Haley responds: "Hmm...sounds like a lot of work."

Fall, Saturday

„It's too cold to go to the beach anymore. *sigh*...what do you think I should do today?”

Haley responds: "Hmm... That's a pretty good idea, actually."

Haley responds: "Hmm... That's a pretty good idea, actually."

Haley responds: "Get away from me, you stupid jerk!"




Haley's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Haley's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Haley Timeline.png


  • Haley's personality drastically changes the more hearts you have with her. She starts off saying that she "hates this small town" and talks endlessly about malls and shopping. At seven to ten hearts, she talks about donating her clothes to charity and saying she's glad the town is small, because if it was any bigger it wouldn't be a community.
  • Even though Haley's ten heart scene is all about her dark room, a new dark room is not included in her added room after marriage.
  • In the "pink cake" episode of "The Queen of Sauce" (the 21st of Summer, Year 2), The Queen says, "A viewer from Pelican Town wrote to me recently... let's see... Her name's Haley. She wrote, 'I tried your pink cake last time I was in Zuzu City and I fell in love with it. Could you share the recipe on your next episode?'. Well, why not? It's a marvelous cake. And you'll never guess the secret ingredient... melon!"
  • On Wednesdays in Winter, Haley may say "I wish someone would bring me a peppermint coffee. Don't even bother, I know you won't be able to make one." This may lead players to believe that Peppermint Coffee is available, and is one of Haley's loved or liked gifts. In fact, Peppermint Coffee cannot be crafted, cooked, or brewed, and is not available in-game anywhere. In early game development, Haley would say "The only thing I like about winter is peppermint coffee... hey, are you even listening?"
  • Clicking on Haley's portrait from her page on the Social Menu will result in her posing as if a picture was being taken.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added photo area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.
  • 1.4: Added 14 heart event.
  • 1.5: Added beach portraits.