
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Connorhu (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2024. július 10., 23:47-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Hullócsillag Szalon => Hullócsillag szalon)

Szülinap Fall.png Ősz 2
Itt lakik Pelikán Város
Cím Lakókocsi

Pam Icon.png Pam (Anya)

Házasodhat Igen
Klinika látogatás Winter.png Tél 4
Kedvencek Melon.png DinnyeDiamond.png GyémántSandfish.png HomokhalPoppy.png MákPoppyseed Muffin.png Mákos muffinEmerald.png SmaragdRoots Platter.png Tálalt gyökerekTom Kha Soup.png Tom Kha levesRed Plate.png Vörös tábla
Robin building.png
„Még mindig sok munkám van...”
— Robin

Hiányos fordítás

Ezt a cikket vagy szakaszt nem fordították le teljesen magyarra. Üdvözlünk az oldal fordításával.
Utoljára szerkesztette Connorhu 2024-07-10 23:47:38.

„Penny egy szerény lakókocsiban él anyjával. Amikor Pam a szalonban kényezteti magát, Penny csinálja a házimunkát, takarítja a lakókocsit. Penny moderált, illemtudó lány, életcéljai különösen nincsenek, csak egy, hogy családot alapítson. Szeret főzni (bár tudásában lehet kételkedni), és szeret könyveket olvasni.”
Dev Update #12

Penny egy Pelikán városi lakos. Ő egy a tizenkét emberből, akivel össze lehet házasodni. A lakókocsija a városközponttól keletre, a folyótól nyugatra van.


Penny általában a városban olvas, vagy a lakókocsijában takarít, amit megoszt Pammel. Kedden, szerdán és pénteken Jast és Vincentet tanítja a múzeumnál, majd később hazakíséri őket. Minden szombaton elviszi a gyerekeket a Pelikán városi játszótérre.

A Tél negyedik napján időpontja van a klinikába.

Ha esik Penny, vagy bent marad a lakókocsijában, vagy elmegy megnézni a múzeum könyveit.


Hétfő, Csütörtök, Vasárnap

Idő Helyszín
8:10 Kijön a lakókocsiból és a temető közelében olvas.
12:30 Hazamegy és mosogat.
16:00 Ismét kijön a lakókocsiból és a a szalon előtti padon ül Maruval.
6:40 PM Visszatér a lakókocsiba estére.

Kedd, Szerda, Péntek

Idő Helyszín
9:00 Kijön a lakókocsiból és a múzeum könyvtárába megy, ahol Vincentet és Jast tanítja.
14:00 Kijön a könyvtárból és Fagyis Stand közelében figyel Jasre és Vincentre.
16:20 Hazakíséri Vincentet, és elköszön tőle.
17:50 Hazakíséri Jast is, és elköszön tőle.
18:30 Visszatér a lakókocsiba estére.


Idő Hely
9:00 A szobájában.
10:00 Kimegy a lakókocsiból és találkozik a temető közelében Vincenttel és Jassel.
12:00 Elmegy Jassel és Vincenttel a játszótérre, a főtértől északra, és figyeli, ahogy játszanak.
17:00 Visszasétál velük a városba, és Emily és Haley házánál elengedi őket.
18:30 Visszatér a lakókocsiba estére.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
8:10 AM Wakes up and walks through town to stand by the river behind JojaMart.
1:00 PM Walks back through town and sits down next to the community center.
6:00 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer to do dishes.
8:00 PM Goes to bed in her room in the trailer for the evening.

Sunny Weather

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves her trailer and walks into town.
12:00 PM Goes up to Carpenter's Shop and sits inside.
6:00 PM Leaves Carpenter's Shop and returns to the trailer to do dishes.
9:00 PM Goes to bed in her room in the trailer for the evening.

Monday (Sunny weather)

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up and walks through town to stand by the river behind JojaMart.
9:30 AM Watching the river behind JojaMart.
1:00 PM Walks back through town and to the community center.
2:30 PM Sitting on a bench to the right of the community center.
6:00 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer.
7:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Tuesday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up for the day, leaves her trailer and goes outside near the town graveyard.
9:00 AM Reading a book under a tree near the town graveyard.
12:30 PM Returns to the trailer.
4:00 PM Leaves the trailer again to go outside the saloon where she sits on a bench.
6:30 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer.
7:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Wednesday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves the trailer and walks to the Museum.
10:00 AM In the Museum.
2:00 PM Pelican Town, outside of the Museum near bridge.
4:00 PM Outside 2 Willow Lane, walking Vincent and Jas home.
6:30 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and returns to home for the evening.
8:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Thursday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up and walks through town to stand by the river behind JojaMart.
9:30 AM Watching the river behind JojaMart.
1:00 PM Walks back through town and to the community center.
2:30 PM Sitting to right of the community center.
6:00 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer.
7:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Friday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves the trailer and walks to the Museum.
10:00 AM In the Museum.
2:00 PM Outside of the Museum near bridge.
4:00 PM Outside 2 Willow Lane, Walking Vincent and Jas home.
6:30 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and returns to home for the evening.
8:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Saturday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
10:00 AM Leaves her trailer and goes outside near the town graveyard.
11:00 AM With the kids near the town graveyard.
12:00 PM Walk kids to the playground, left of the community center.
1:00 PM At the playground, play with kids.
5:00 PM Walks Jas and Vincent to Emily's house.
6:00 PM Beside Emily's house, talking with Jas and Vincent.
8:00 PM Goes to the trailer.
9:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Sunday (Sunny Weather)

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up and walks through town to stand by the river behind JojaMart.
9:30 AM Watching the river behind JojaMart.
1:00 PM Walks back through town and to the community center.
2:30 PM Sitting to right of the community center.
6:00 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer.
7:00 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Sunday, Monday, Thursday

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up for the day, leaves her trailer and goes outside to read near the town graveyard.
12:30 PM Returns to the trailer to wash dishes.
4:00 PM Leaves the trailer again to go outside The Stardrop Saloon where she sits on a bench, with Maru on Sundays and Mondays, alone on Thursdays.
6:40 PM Returns to her trailer for the evening.
7:20 PM Goes to bed.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves the trailer and walks to the Museum.
10:00 AM In the Museum. Vincent joins her at 10:30 AM, Jas at 11:00 AM.
2:00 PM Goes outside the Museum, near the river, at the bridge.
4:20 PM Leaves for 2 Willow Lane, walking Vincent and Jas home. Pauses there.
5:50 PM Continues to Marnie's Ranch, walking Jas home for the evening.
6:30 PM Leaves Jas at Marnie's Ranch and returns to home for the evening.
8:00 PM Arrives at the trailer, then goes to bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM Gets out of bed.
11:00 AM Meets Jas and Vincent at the tree where she often reads, near the town graveyard.
12:00 PM All three leave for the playground.
1:00 PM At the playground with Jas and Vincent
5:00 PM Leaves the playground and walks to Emily's house with Jas and Vincent
6:20 PM Arrives outside Emily's house
8:00 PM Jas and Vincent head for home, while Penny goes home to the trailer.
8:40 PM Arrives at the trailer and goes to bed.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up for the day, leaves her trailer and goes outside to read near the town graveyard.
12:30 PM Returns to the trailer to wash dishes.
4:00 PM Leaves the trailer again to go outside the saloon where she sits on a bench with Maru.
6:40 PM Returns to her trailer for the evening.

Wednesday, Friday

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves the trailer and walks to the Museum.
10:00 AM In the Museum. Vincent joins her at 10:30 AM, Jas at 11:00 AM.
2:00 PM Goes outside the Museum, near the river, at the bridge.
4:20 PM Leaves for 2 Willow Lane, walking Vincent and Jas home. Pauses there.
5:40 PM Continues to Marnie's Ranch, walking Jas home for the evening.
6:30 PM Leaves Jas at Marnie's Ranch and returns to home for the evening.
8:00 PM Arrives at the trailer, then goes to bed.


Time Location
2:30 PM At the playground with Jas and Vincent.
5:00 PM Walks Jas and Vincent to Emily's house.
6:20 PM Beside Emily's house, talking with Jas and Vincent.
8:00 PM Goes to the trailer with Jas.
8:10 PM Arrives at the trailer for the evening.

Winter (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up and moves around her trailer.
10:30 AM Leaves her trailer and walks to the community center to read.
3:00 PM Continues moving around the community center.
6:00 PM Leaves the community center and returns to the trailer to do dishes.
9:00 PM Goes to bed in her room in the trailer for the evening.

Winter 4th

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up and moves around her trailer. "I have an appointment at the clinic this afternoon."
11:30 AM Walks from her trailer to Harvey's Clinic for her annual checkup.
1:30 PM Continues getting checkup at clinic. "Hey! A little privacy, please?"
4:00 PM Leaves clinic and goes to sit by the bridge west from JojaMart.
7:00 PM Leaves town and returns to the trailer to do dishes.
9:00 PM Goes to bed in her room in the trailer for the evening.
Her schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather, or certain days of the week. Below are her schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)

Day 9 & Day 23(With more than 6 hearts with Sam)

Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up and leaves trailer.
8:50 AM Sits under tree in town, west of the graveyard.
12:30 PM Returns from town to the trailer and does some dishes.
4:00 PM Leaves trailer for town again.
4:30 PM Sits on bench south of the Saloon.
6:40 PM Returns to the trailer to go to bed in her room for the evening.

Day 9 & Day 23 (With less than 6 hearts with Sam)

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up and walks around her trailer.
11:00 AM Walks from the trailer out to town and sits.
4:00 PM Returns from town to the trailer and does some dishes.
6:30 PM Goes to bed in her room in the trailer for the evening.

Raining (Alternative A)

Time Location
9:00 AM Trailer is unlocked. Penny is in her bedroom.
11:00 AM Moves to the kitchen.
1:00 PM Does some dishes.
3:00 PM Sits on the couch, probably watching TV.
6:00 PM Returns to her bedroom, reading by the bookshelf.
9:00 PM Goes to bed for the evening.

Raining (Alternative B)

Time Location
8:20 AM Leaves the trailer and walks to the Museum to sit outside. "I'm going to go inside, I just wanted a quiet moment."
12:00 PM Goes inside the Museum to look at the bookshelves.
4:00 PM Leaves the Museum and returns to the trailer to watch some television.
7:00 PM Moves over to the sink in the trailer to do some dishes.
9:00 PM Goes to bed for the evening.


Time Location
8:30 AM Leaves the farmhouse and heads to Pierre's General Store.
11:30 AM Leaves Pierre's. In town, reading.
4:00 PM Sitting in town.
6:10 PM Leaves town to return home to the farm.
10:00 PM Goes to bed

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Time Location
8:30 AM Leaves the the farm and walks to the Museum. "Hi, honey. It's nice of you to visit me at work."
2:00 PM Leaves the Museum and walks with Vincent and Jas to town.
4:20 PM In front of Haley and Emily's house while walking Vincent and Jas home.
5:50 PM Walks Jas home to Marnie's Ranch in the woods west of town.
6:30 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and returns to home for the evening.
10:00 PM Goes to bed

Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Remains at the farm all day. Goes to bed at 10:00 PM.


Penny lives with her mother Pam, and she is friends with Sam. Penny dances with Sam at the Flower Dance if neither is dancing with the player.

She also teaches the local children, Jas and Vincent, at the museum a few days a week and accompanies them to the playground once in a while.

During the eight-heart cutscene, Vincent remarks that he once saw Sam and Penny climbing trees, at which Penny becomes visibly startled and scolds Vincent for gossiping. ConcernedApe has explained that he "wasn't trying to imply anything serious" with the scene regarding a continuation of Penny's interest in Sam. "[A]t 8 hearts...she's not actually interested in Sam anymore."[1]


Fő cikk: Barátság
Lásd még: Összes ajándék listája

Penny két darab ajándékot kaphat hetente (plusz egyet a születésnapján), ami növeli vagy csökkenti barátsági szintet. Ajándék születésnapkor (  Ősz 2) 8x annyit ér és egyedi dialógust vált ki.
Szeretett vagy kedvelt ajándékra, Penny azt mondja

„Egy szülinapi ajéndék? Ez nagyon kedves tőled! Imádom.”
„Emlékeztél a szülinapomra! Köszönöm szépen. Ez nagyszerű!”

Normál ajándékra, Penny azt mondja

„Oh, egy szülinapi ajándék! Köszönöm szépen.”

Nem kedvelt vagy utált ajándékra, Penny azt mondja

„Oh... Születésnapomra? ... Köszönöm.”


„Köszönöm! Ezt nagyon szeretem!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Diamond Egy ritka és értékes drágakő. Mining
Emerald Egy értékes kő, aminek ragyogó zöld színe van. Mining
Melon Egy hűvös, édes nyári étel. Farming - Summer
Poppy Amellett, hogy színes növény, a máknak konyhai és gyógyászati haszna is van. Farming - Summer
Poppyseed Muffin Nyugtató hatása van. Cooking   Mák (1)  Búzaliszt (1)  Cukor (1)
Red Plate Tele van antioxidánsokkal. Cooking   Vörös káposzta (1)  Retek (1)
Roots Platter Ettől csak még többet akarsz majd. Cooking   Barlangi répa (1)  Téli gyökér (1)
Sandfish A környezetet kihasználva próbál rejtőzködni. Fishing
Tom Kha Soup Ezek az ízek hihetetlenek! Cooking   Kókuszdió (1)  Garnélarák (1)  Közönséges gomba (1)


„Köszönöm! Ez különlegesnek tűnik.”
Image Name Description Source
Dandelion Nem a legszebb virág, de a leveleiből remek salátát lehet készíteni. Foraging - Spring
Leek A hagymák ízletes rokona. Foraging - Spring


„Köszönöm, ez jól néz ki.”
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle Egy ízletes gomba, aminek gyümölcsös szaga és kissé borsos íze van. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom Kissé mogyorós, de jó a textúrája. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Egy hagyományos tavaszi virág, ami remek ajándék lehet. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Ez ám a hatalmas mogyoró! Foraging - Fall
Morel Egyedi diós íze miatt kutatnak utána. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam Ez a kicsi yam a hó alatt bújkált. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish Egy fűszeres gyökér, amit tavasszal lehet megtalálni. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root Egy merev gumó. Foraging - Winter

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.

Nem Kedvelt

„Izé, ez az enyém? ...Köszönöm.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Algae Soup Ez egy kicsit nyálkás. Cooking   Zöld alga (4)
Duck Feather Olyan színes. Ducks
Pale Broth Egy ízletes húsleves, némi kénnel vegyítve. Cooking   Fehér alga (2)
Purple Mushroom Egy ritka gomba, amit barlangok mélyén lehet megtalálni. Foraging - The Mines
Quartz Egy tiszta kristály, amit gyakran lehet találni barlangokban és bányákban. Foraging - Mines
Red Mushroom Egy pöttyös gomba, amit néha barlangokban lehet találni. Foraging
Salmonberry Egy tavaszi bogyó, aminek erdei íze van. Foraging - Spring
Wool Puha, bolyhos gyapjú. Rabbits, Sheep


„Uhhh... Sajnálom, de ezt szívből gyűlölöm.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Beer Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Keg
The Stardrop Saloon
  Búza (1)
Grape Egy édes gyümölcsös fürt. Farming, Foraging
Holly A levelek és világos vörös bogyók híres téli dekorációvá teszik. Foraging - Winter
Hops Egy keserű, csípős növény, amivel a sört ízesítik. Farming
Mead Egy erjesztett ital, ami mézből készült. Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Keg   Méz (1)
Pale Ale Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Keg   Komló (1)
Rabbit's Foot Egyesek szerint ez szerencsét hoz. Rabbits
Wine Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Keg Any Fruit (1)
Piña Colada Csak mértékkel fogyaszd. Gyömbér sziget

Filmek és harapnivalók

Fő cikk: Mozi
Minden film, ha a Pam is jelen van

  A Bátor Kis Csemete

  A Hűvöscsillag Tanya Csodája

  A Zuzu Város Expressz

  Journey Of The Prairie King: A Film

  Természeti Csodák: Fedezzük fel élénk világunkat


Nem Kedvelt
  Az Esőben Üvölt


  Csillaghulló sörbet
Nem Kedvelt  
  Fekete medvecukor
  Joja Cola
  Keserű ragacs
Minden más

Heart Events

Two Hearts


Enter Pelican Town on a sunny day between 9am and 2pm.

George looks into his mailbox and wonders how he'll reach a letter in the back. Penny notices and gets the letter out for him. George is upset at being seen helpless and scolds her. Penny sees you and asks if you were watching them.
  • "I was. You did a kind thing there, Penny." (+50 barátságra.) Penny thanks you, but is unhappy that George was upset.
  • "I was. You should've asked instead of assuming George wanted help." (-50 barátságra.) Penny apologises to George.
  • "I'm just taking a walk, minding my own business." (No effect barátságra.) Penny responds "I see".

Regardless of your choice, George sighs and apologises to Penny for getting angry. He says it was very kind of her to help. Penny says she understands. After George leaves, Penny says it must be difficult growing old.

  • "I'd rather not think about it." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "I guess you're right... why stress out about something you can't change?"
  • "It's just a different part of life." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "You're right, we shouldn't ignore the reality of aging. I guess the sooner we come to terms with our mortality, the more time we can spend really living in the here-and-now."
  • "That's why we should respect our elders." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "That's nice of you to say... I totally agree with you. We should treat our elders with the same respect we hope to receive ourselves some day."
  • "I'd rather die young..." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "That's a horrible thing to say. Life is a precious thing to waste like that!"

Penny bids you farewell and leaves.

Four Hearts


Enter the trailer when she's home.

Penny complains about how messy the place is, and asks if you could help her clean up. As you do so, Pam returns home and yells at Penny for letting someone else clean her home. Pam eventually asks you to leave, and they continue their discussion privately. Pam admits that she's embarrassed to have strangers clean up the house. The next day, you get a letter of apology from Penny.

Note that this event will not trigger if the player has purchased the Community Upgrade.

Six Hearts


Enter the trailer when she's home.

Penny asks you to try a recipe she invented.
  • "(Lie) Mmm! That was delicious!" (+50 barátságra.) She responds: "You really mean it? Thank you! ... it's such a relief to hear that. I've been working so hard on this recipe, and I'm really proud of it. Hey, since you're the first person to try it, I'm going to name this one 'Chili de <your name>'."
  • "Uh... can I get the rest to go?" (-50 barátságra.) Penny is crestfallen and says her recipe was a failure.
  • "Well it's definitely unique... how did you get it so rubbery?" (No effect barátságra.) Penny is crestfallen and says her recipe was a failure.

Regardless of your choice, she invites you to watch a movie together and your energy is increased by 165.

Eight Hearts


Enter Cindersap Forest between 9am and 4pm.

Penny is on a field trip with Jas and Vincent. Penny asks you if you'd like to be a guest speaker and share your experience about the countryside with the children.
  • "I'd love to!" (+10 barátságra.) She responds, "Great! Let me just call the children over."
  • "Sure." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "Great! Let me just call the children over."
  • "No... I can't stand kids." (-1500 barátságra.) She responds, "Really?... Uh... Well, alright. I guess I'll see you later then." The scene ends.

If you agree to speak to the kids, you're prompted for a number of dialogue options (which have no effect on friendship). Afterwards Penny tells the children to run along and asks you if you'd like to be a parent.

  • "I haven't really thought about it." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "Oh no? Well, I guess that makes sense... you're busy with other things right now."
  • "Absolutely. I want a big family." (+20 barátságra.) She responds, "... Me too. I'm glad you feel that way."
  • "I guess so. It's a natural urge." (+20 barátságra.) She responds, "Yes... the urge to care for something innocent and helpless. It makes sense that we'd feel that."
  • "No, I don't think I'd be good at it." (+10 barátságra.) She responds, "Oh, really? I think you'd make a good parent."
  • "No, The world's crowded enough already." (-10 barátságra.) She responds, "hmm... If everyone thought like that, humans would die out."
  • "No, I don't want to be tied down with a family." (-10 barátságra.) She responds, "Oh... That's kind of sad... but I guess I can understand your point."

The scene fades and she thanks you for showing up.

Ten Hearts


You receive a letter from Penny. After receiving the letter, enter the pool area of the spa between 7pm and midnight.

Penny joins you in the pool. She asks if you know why she invited you here.
  • "You have something to tell me." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "That's right..."
  • "I'm not exactly sure." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "Really? I thought you'd have noticed by now..."
  • "You wanted to see me in my bathing suit." (No effect barátságra.) She responds, "No!"

Penny confesses her feelings for you.

  • "I feel the same way about you." (No effect barátságra.)
    • If the player is male, she responds, "...Oh, <your name>. I thought you did, but I wasn't sure. ...I'll always remember this night." You kiss and the scene ends.
    • If the player is female, she responds, "...Oh, <your name>. I thought you did, but I wasn't sure. You look so beautiful tonight... I... *gasp*" You kiss and the scene ends.
  • "Sorry, but I don't like you in that way..." (-1500 barátságra.) She bursts into tears and the scene ends.

Group Ten-Heart Event


Ha a játékos nincs megházasodva és minden szingli lánynak adott virágcsokrot és minden szingli lánnyal elért 10 szívet, ráadásul látta az összes szingli lány 10 szíves eseményét, majd belép a Fűzfa köz 2be, akkor egy eseményt fog elindítani. Ha Haley az utolsó, akinek nem látta a játékos a 10 szíves eseményét, akkor a házba való belépéskor előbb az ő eseménye fog lejátszódni, majd azonnal a közös.

Ha a játékosnak van az eszköztárában egy nyúlláb, akkor a bejátszás Lewis és Marnie szerelméről fog szólni.

Ha a játékosnál nincs nyúlláb, akkor az összes lány ideges lesz, és arról beszélnek, hogy egyszerre mindenkivel randizik a játékos. Úgy döntenek végül, hogy 1 hétig ignorálják a játékost. Ilyenkor nem fogadnak el ajándékot, illetve nem beszélnek a játékossal. Körülbelül egy hét múlva minden visszaáll a normális kerékvágásba.

Ez az esemény minden mentésen csak egyszer történhet meg. Nem történik meg, ha a játékos házas, vagy egy hervadt virágcsokrot vagy egy Sellő talizmánt az egyik lánynak.

Fourteen Hearts


Enter the farm house between 3pm and 7pm when she's home.

The first part of the event triggers when entering the farmhouse in later afternoon. Penny enters a conversation with the player asking how their day was. Penny then asks the player what type of decorations the player wants for their bedroom.

Part 2: 3 days later, another event will trigger when the player wakes up in the morning, with the decorations reflecting what the player wanted in their previous conversation.


Fő cikk: Marriage

Once married, Penny will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, she will add her own room to the right of the bedroom. She'll also set up a small garden behind the farmhouse where she'll sometimes go to read. She will continue to work at the Museum and travel to town to work there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

On rainy mornings, Penny may offer you Large Milk, Egg, Mixed Seeds, or a Geode. On mornings when Penny stays inside all day, she may offer you Omelet, Hashbrowns, or Pancakes for breakfast. On rainy nights she may offer you dinner: Salmon Dinner, Crispy Bass, Fried Eel, Carp Surprise, or Vegetable Medley.


„*sigh*... My mother definitely has a problem with going to the saloon too much. But it's best not to dwell on bad things, right?”
Right. It's best to be positive! (+50 barátságra.)
"That's how I feel. I'm just going to focus on making the future better."
I think it's good to be realistic. (+10 barátságra.)
"Maybe you're right. It's better to cope with reality."




Penny's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Penny's style changed over the years before the game was launched.


  • At one point before the game was released, Penny was named "Dana".
  • The dialogue choices for the player in Penny's 8-Heart and 10-Heart Events have the most punitive possible effect on friendship in the game, with each event having an option that will decrease your friendship with her by 1500 points (equivalent to six hearts).



  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added reading garden area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.
  • 1.4: Added 14 heart event. Changed 2 heart event dialog. 6 heart event can now trigger after purchasing the Community Upgrade.